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Everything posted by boomerscout

  1. Hi Basement: What are the two biggest camping expenses that stops your troop from camping? It's summer time! Don't need no stinkin' sleeping bag! Grab an old blanket, ground cloth -- an old shower curtain liner or plastic table cloth lying around. Don't really need a mess kit; find an old plastic plate, kfs. Don't need official camping knives, some old kitchen knives from the thrift will do. For canteen learn how to tie the bottle knot onto a pop bottle. Someone in your church must have a tent you could borrow When I was younger, my patrol wanted to go camping, but we couldn't obtain an adult to drive us. We took the city bus to the Greyhound, took the Greyhound to the stop nearest the campsite, hitched (OMG!) part of the rest of the way & hiked the rest. Made for a long day, but we became legendary in our troop Hit those fundraisers!
  2. "From my standpoint and experience, childhood friends who were not alowed to shoot BB guns, ride dirt bikes, go carts or "banned" from any particular activity...would eventualy do it anyway behind their parents backs...except, they had no proper supervision." Hey, Scoutfish: It's been my experience that children raised under a lifetime of "don't" and "wait" later become adults who "can't". Even with therapy, many never become productive or whole
  3. can you obtain copies of calendars from other troops to show as examples?
  4. I don't believe Beavah was speaking of altering advancement requirements. I think he was saying some units don't put rank advancement -- such as first class in first year -- foremost in their unit program. They have fun camping, going to summer camp, playing in the out of doors, but rank is left to catch as catch can - strictly up to the individual
  5. over the years we've had a couple of Life Scouts who stopped short of Eagle because, for some reason, they thought they didn't deserve, or weren't good enough, to wear the Eagle. What would you have done then? These were excellent Scouts in all ways
  6. air conditioning can also be very dehydrating.
  7. was the question about teaching rappeling to Cubs? Es Verboten! http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/ageguides.pdf Beavah is quite correct in that the CO can decide the overall program. That's why weekly facetime is important. The CO may have taken a look at the rappeling guidelines for Boy Scouts, and said nothing doing http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/HealthandSafety/Gss/gss09.aspx Your CO may allow rapelling if done under the auspices of a council summer camp set up to offer rapelling
  8. Drinking 4 gallons of water per day may well kill each of your Scouts. It's called water intoxication or hyponatremia. Unfortunately, the symptoms are similar to dehydration. One of the main problems is that much fresh water in your innards causes your sodium levels to drop too low. Main sufferers are marathoners, tri-athletes, anyone with a water bottle constantly in hand. The four or five gallons of water use per day generally refers to total water useage: cooking, washing, drinking, etc U.S.Army says up tp 1 1/2 qts per hour for hard activity such as quick march with full pack. For light duty 1/2 qt per hour, but in any case, no more than 12 qts. per day. For some of the water, substitute sports drinks - which by itself helps, but is not totally sufficient to maintain sodium levels. Add some salty snacks such as pretzels or french fries, but avoid salt tablets.
  9. "The Bruce Marks Scout Resource Center in Philadelphia was built in 1929. The Beaux Arts style building was designed by architect Charles Klauder.[3] At the time city fathers invited the Scouts to move their offices to the Benjamin Franklin Parkway.[4] The building was built and paid for by the Scouts, and turned over to the city with the understanding that the Scouts would be allowed to remain in it rent-free "in perpetuity."[5][6] The building is located at 22nd and Winter Streets.[3] The first copy of the R. Tait McKenzie sculpture The Ideal Scout stands outside the building. The City of Philadelphia says that it cannot allow organizations that receive city benefits to discriminate and are poised to evict the council from their city-owned service center building on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway. The Historic Landmark building laden with Scouting symbols was built and paid for by the Scouts on city land at the city's request in 1929 and the cost of maintenance and renovation has been borne by the Boy Scout council ever since.[7]" Seems like a ground rent: de facto, if not de jure
  10. no, not in the summer time unless it's C of H, publicity pix for newspaper, or multi-troop council camp/activity
  11. the camp you originally thought to attend sounds worse than useless. I can understand not wanting RVs on the campgrounds; so why couldn't it be accessed in the parking lot? Most cooks don't like strangers in their kitchen. However, even these dummies need to realize that food allergies are increasing exponentially as we go to factory food. I am surprised your troop is not standing with your son
  12. "Trail Tale" in November Scouting Magazine -- archives online if you Google: tourist cattle drives you may get some leads
  13. refer to these back issues of Boys Life: June, 1947; Dec, 1978
  14. "Ordering pizza on a campout out?!?!?!?!?!?!? What the heck and why didn't the SPL say no dice top that one?" our SPLs were with the rest of our troop on a different activity & location. The New Scout Patrol is the one/only adult led part of our program. The Scouts stay in the NSP until they complete Tenderfoot. Unfortunately, our two more experienced Scouters had sudden work conflicts, and the boys were in the hands of recent Cubs adults. Oh, well
  15. when I was in Cubs, we met at the elementary school, but the school was not the sponsor. The actual sponsor was the (school name) Mothers' Club. Now that more women work outside the home, maybe they have less time for other outside the home activities. It may be that Council needs to hire a professional organizer to set up a Parents' Club at each elementary school to get things rolling again. As for sports, if you can't beat 'em, then join 'em? I don't see anything wrong with having an all-Cubs soccer league throughout the city. It would be a better use of money than that stupid race car. More traditional activities could be fed back in after the program is underway. As for being camping adverse: most camping places are now so overcrowded and full of litter that the "wilderness adventure" is no longer there. Other once prime camping areas have been replaced by malls and developments. Also, many of our newer Scouters, while a great boon to Scouting, prefer bathrooms and showers while camping; the old mindset has changed. At our last New Scout Patrol weekend camp, it was decided to reward the boys by odering in pizza to the campsite. The adults are still "discussing" whether that was such a good idea.
  16. I've been informed the book "Paddling Eastern North Carolina" by Paul Ferguson divides the river into time & distance sections. You might try contacting the Carolina Canoe Club http://www.carolinacanoeclub.org/ their contact link is at the lower left of their home page
  17. is also responsible for selecting the appropriate field guides, etc for troop campouts & activities
  18. additional librarian duties five minutes of every troop meeting, librarian tells the Scouts about one book in the library, and how it will help them learn skills during PLC, librarian suggests some books he would like to buy for the library and why. PLC gives go ahead for some. other resources: http://www.wcnet.org/~tmckibb/libraria.htm http://www.boyscouttrail.com/blog.asp and scroll to Dec 1, 2007 "Librarian - a Real Leader
  19. most of our donations go into an account maintained by Friends of Troop ###. Our CO is our church.
  20. your son is wise beyond his years. You did a good job!
  21. with new canoeists on flat water about 2 mph. semi-experienced should be able to do 3 mph with a total travel of 12 - 15 miles max. In places such as the Boundary Waters, where you need to carry over the portages, figure 6 - 12 miles per day. these figures will allow you time to set-up & break camp, cook, maybe enjoy some scenery
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