So I've recently joined a unit that has plenty of heart, but no organizational skills or planning whatsoever.
"Billy", according to the random assortment of evidence I've seen, has earned his Eagle. There are dates for everything.
However, Billy has never been registered in the troop. It's a religion-sponsored unit and while Mom didn't want him officially associated with the unit and church, she had no problem with him unofficially attending as long as Billy's name wasn't anywhere.
Billy has never appeared on any roster I've seen, his dates are on a skimble-skamble collection of bluecards and papers and books, and the council has no record the kid has ever existed.
Because this kid has never been registered.
Well, Mom and Billy now want the Eagle, but I don't know how to go about it. Council has said they can back register him for all the years Billy's been attending, but Mom says no on that.
I'm waiting to hear back on other options, but I get the BSA is going need proof of this kid before they print him up an Eagle certificate.
I'm a little peeved at the whole situation, but I hate for a kid who as far as I can tell has done all the work for the Eagle being denied it. I don't him to suffer for the actions of his parents and the troop.
Any ideas? Any loopholes anyone knows of?
Or, any ideas on how to gently (or not) break the facts to Mom?