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Chisos last won the day on July 20 2024

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Community Answers

  1. As COR you should be able to move them around in the Position Manager screen. Drag the name tiles to where they need to be, then "Save Changes" on the bottom right. Be sure you're in the "Registered Positions" side and not the "Functional Roles" side. It probably won't let you save if you don't have a "legal" roster (ie, a SM, CC, two more committee members). As @skeptic said I'd just move the retiring CC to MC or Unit Scouter Reserve then let them drop off at recharter. They've already paid for the year, and you're not getting a refund.
  2. My son and I both received it, but mine went to my spam folder (and his didn't).
  3. It appears experiences are varied here...our local district rep who approves projects has really only been looking at "big picture"....is the scope reasonable, has the beneficiary signed off, how is "success" defined, stuff like that. The "how many nuts and bolts' details (often literally!) don't need to be in the proposal. If that's what's being asked for at the proposal stage it sounds exactly like what @PACAN was trying to avoid, (rightly so) and should be addressed through document or procedure revision.
  4. We've had a few scouts in my troop complete projects in the past few months, and also ran into this question ("Is the Plan a required element of the Eagle Application..."). From how it's described it is kind of ambiguous. I can see how using the Plan document can be taken as the documentation that the "planning" part of the Eagle project was done, but since projects are so diverse it may not be the best fit for all of them. Maybe a revision along the lines of "A project plan must be completed after the proposal is approved and before work begins. You may use the Project Plan document in the Eagle Project Workbook, or write your own plan using a similar level of detail." At any rate, jumping straight from "big picture" proposal to working on the project is not a great idea...the scout should have something that shows they thought about the details before work began.
  5. You get a concurring opinion from my son who is working on his Eagle application.
  6. So, the CDC director said Pfizer/BioNTech for 12 and up might be approved as early as mid-May (though it's really the FDA's call): https://finance.yahoo.com/news/1-pfizer-biontech-seek-u-172218004.html https://abcnews.go.com/Health/cdc-director-rochelle-walensky-expects-schools-fully-open/story?id=76935219 Being able to vaccinate to age 12 before summer camp season would be a big deal, I think.
  7. As the others have said, unless you troop is trying to do a "vintage look" or something, there's no issue with green loops on the ODR shirt. I've got a mix of ODR and Centennial shirts and use green loops on them all. What I find more impressive is that your shirt still fits...my youth shirt and Philmont belt shrank considerably when in storage in the "inactive years" between "Scout" and "Scouter"!
  8. This rule should be followed anywhere from Lake Charles to Pensacola! And not just for District Banquets!
  9. It's probably worth a discussion with the COR to see what they're really expecting. Are they expecting all leaders to be practicing Catholics? Or are they expecting that leaders won't go against church teaching in how they interact with youth? It sounds like a similar expectation to teachers at Catholic schools...you (generally) don't have to be Catholic, but you agree to live/teach in a way the that reflects the beliefs of the church--or at least, not actively oppose them.
  10. I'd concur with what most others have said. For the Part C, I have the parents keep the original and give us a photocopy. I've never had a camp say they required the original. We keep one binder with all forms. The whole thing goes on each event. We used to pull out only the needed forms for an event, but that just created more confusion, especially if someone decided to attend last-minute (or not). I keep them alphabetized by name so any given form is easy to find if needed.
  11. I just saw a radar loop of your area.....bummer. That's 2020 for you.
  12. I think Mike Myers already addressed this, on Saturday Night Live.
  13. And I thought this was going to be a discussion of the merits of Wall vs. Baker tents... Seriously though...the college where I teach uses Canvas. I'm knee deep in it right now getting ready for fall. I could see how it might work for online MB's...the separate the requirements out as modules, allow for upload of documents/videos/etc. to verify completion, etc. But, I agree with @The Latin Scot that it may be overkill. I'm not sure what all is involved in the "back end" on setting it up, but from what I've heard from our IT and instructional design folks it does take quite a bit of legwork.
  14. My idea (FWIW): One color shirt for all programs. Shoulder loop colors designate program. Pre-placed hook-and-loop (velcro) where rank and POR patches go; shirts come with a "blank". All rank (Lion to Eagle) are the same oval shape. Ranks and POR patches come with velcro backing in place. This would facilitate "uniform closets", hand-me-downs, etc. as they could easily be corrected for the next scout who gets the shirt. And facilitate getting the right patches on the shirt. I guess more of them would get lost, though. Make pants a unit choice, like with hats/caps. If the unit wants jeans, wear jeans. Or a different color cargo pants, or whatever the unit wants.
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