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Everything posted by mousetrap2112

  1. Here is another campfire song. http://youtu.be/LaQSmN48f5g
  2. Looking to share ideas on skits, songs, cheers, etc, for campfires. Here is a song/cheer I like to do at campfires. It really gets the campfire and scouts going. A lot of fun. Here are three cheers we like to do. The third cheer is fun but we reserve it for a staff member or leader we know.
  3. I'm wanting to use this thread to share ideas on skits, songs, cheers & other ideas that can be used for campfire programs. All input would be appreciated. Below is a link to one of my favorite songs. Boy Scouts & Cub Scouts always seem to like it, as it is a good action song. The song is Ping Pong Ball.
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