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    Mt Laurel, NJ

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  1. I miss working up at Goose Pond so much. Its been 2 years since i was there last. Hopefully ill make my way back up there again sometime. It truly is a remarkable camp. If i hadnt moved away so far i would still be going there. Thanks for posting the song chords up, ive been trying to find them for a while now. It is always one of my favorite campfire songs that i still like to share with everyone i meet while working at camps.
  2. Thank you all for your input. i finished my project and recieved my eagle rank over the summer. i hope you are all having a great time ~Zionia
  3. wish you all a great 4th of july. Hope you have fun. seeing as it is sunday, my troop is doing a 3rd of july parade in our township. hope you all celabrate and have a great weekend ~Z
  4. I have gone to my troop committee to attempt to get my project passed recently and was not approved because the project is presumably "too large" for me to run as one project. the committee suggested i choose a part of my plan and work with that. i have downsized to simply the oval disscussion area, and am almost ready to re-present to the committee, i just need to find one more vital price before i resubmit.
  5. There is a large 18X11 oval discussion area that i am putting in the end of the trail...benches can be expencive, im looking into pricings for all the supplies including benches (plan is to have 3-4 but it depends on cost...this project is going to need a lot of funds as it is) but if the benches cant come in at the end of the project, i plan to have them added at a later time when we can afford them. there will be a flower garden surrounding 2/3 of the disscussion area and possibly a line of flowers
  6. OK, Here goes... Im a life scout working on my eagle project (i have a thread going in the general forums on it...i need some suggestions so please visit) and have been in scouts for...*counts fingers*...almost 11 years...i am extreamly shy so doing a leadership projects is one on the most difficult tasks in my life. i have a little over a year left untill im 18 and will then probably become an Assistant Scoutmaster as long as college doesnt take to much time. i have earned every
  7. OK, Here goes... Im a life scout working on my eagle project (i have a thread going in the general forums on it...i need some suggestions so please visit) and have been in scouts for...*counts fingers*...almost 11 years...i am extreamly shy so doing a leadership projects is one on the most difficult tasks in my life. i have a little over a year left untill im 18 and will then probably become an Assistant Scoutmaster as long as college doesnt take to much time. i have earned every
  8. I just sent an e-mail to the American Dissabilities act to find out the minimal wigth i need...the basic dimentions for the project is a 60ft path to a 11X18 oval discussion area...more to ccome shortly
  9. the slates (mostlikle slate than brick for reasons of eaze to use) with have donators to the Alice Paul Institution engraved into them...like the party at end idea...just went to take measurements today...im doing this project with little info or supply except the slate (or whatever we use) engraving will be paid for by the API...i am now working on the basic dimentions for the road and need to find info on how wide it needs to be...i have a basic sketch of what it is going to be and it is going to be a lot of hard work...i thank you all for helping me out and ill keep this thread updated Thanx
  10. Hi. Im a life scout who is starting to set up an eagle project...i have one chosen a project...i am building a memorial brick walkway for the Alice Paul Institute. Are there any questions i should ask the people helping me with this project that could help me to complete this project? and are there any suggestions to help me move along? ill keep in touch and give project updates here. Thanks for all who respond to this thread. I greatly appreciate your help AIM/YIM ---> zionia000
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