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Zephy's Achievements

Junior Member

Junior Member (1/3)



  1. I would like to earn my religious bronze award in an effort to learn more about my "religon" (it is debatable, but I feel it is a religion). I am very lucky to have a crew that is supportive of my beliefs. I am a practitioner of Falun Dafa (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falun_Gong)which I believe and others would agree is in agreement with the morals of scouts. Yes, I do believe in a higher power as well But I'm running into a few issues earning my bronze. 1. There is no religious award. In fact, I don't even know if it is recognized as a religion by BSA (Buddhism is though, so I don't see why it isn't) 2. Would teaching the cultivation methods count as "volunteering in your church"? 3. Since I am trying to learn my way up so I can be sufficient to teach, when I do teach, would that count as being a leader? Ehh, that all I have for now. Hope I on't get too much flamed for this
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