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Everything posted by You_Betcha

  1. What is the process for nominating a scout for the heroism award? I talked to our district exec and he directed me to the web site which described the awards, but not the process. I checked the national site and it is the same. Is there an application process that needs to be followed or is it up to each council?
  2. I have a new scout who has a disorder where he can not do pushups or pullups for fear of damaging his shoulder or elbow joints. We are in the process of getting a medical statement from his doctor. My question is what alternate requirement could I use to cover tenderfoot pushups and pullups? Has anyone run into a situation like this? Could these two be waived? Thanks for any advice you can give.
  3. I am willing to trade 1:1 for CSP. I am from the Viking Council in Minnesota. I also have Indianhead and Central Minnesota CSPs. Email at pjknoll@hotmail.com if you are interested.
  4. Our troop has had a good recruiting month. We are adding 18 new scouts that are transitioning from Webelos. I have just taken over as Scoutmaster and wondering if anyone has words of advice on retaining these scouts. We have 25 active scouts and this is going to almost double our troop. My plan is to have 2 new scout patrols and have some of the older scouts and couple leaders focus on working with the new scouts. My concern is focusing to many resources on the new scouts and have the older scouts suffer or vica versa. Any thoughts would be welcome.
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