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    Fairborn, Ohio,Wright Ptterson AFB

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  1. After reading much of the discussions, I went to the Venturing Handbook. On page 68, right column near the bottom, it states: A venture who has earned the Eagle Rank, can continue to wear the Eagle Patch until thier 21. So It is not in the BSA Insignia Guide but it is in the Venture Handbook that allows them to wear the Eagle Badge/patch until they age out at 21..
  2. Like the previous posts replied, I see nothing wrong with a scout/scouter getting a wearing a visitors patch as long as they wear it the correct way..Centered on the Right Pocket..FOR ONLY REGISTERED PARTICIPANTS can wear the National Jamboree Patch ABOVE THE RIGHT POCKET..That showed that they did indeed participate and wear the Patch that signifies that.. I mispoke myself in a earlier post when I said "So every scout that wants to go can go as a registered participant". That should have said, "So every scout that wants to go CANNOT go as a registered participant." But if they make the effort and expense to go visit,,they should be allowed to not only buy stuff but wear the stuff..AS long as they conform to BSA Uniform Policies..
  3. To: Blade1158 Why do you hope that there is no visitors patch...?? The boys may night have been able to afford it or there is only so much room..I know our council in Ohio there is a pretty long waiting list.So every scout that wants to go can go as a registered participant...At least the visitors patch will signify that they went and had the scouting expierence..and the correct way to wear the visitors patch is centered on the right pocket where the temp patches go...For only Registered participants can wear the National Jamboree Patche ABOVE THE RIGHT POCKET per the BSA Uniform Guide...So,,if you see a scout or leader wearing a Visitors Jamboree Patch with the black border,(Like the 2001 Patch), ABOVE the right pocket, you would correct in telling them they are not wearing the patch in accordance with BSA Policy and the Uniform Guide...Than you can tell or show them the correct way to wear the visitors patch..Thanks.. i know that more people that get the patch, any jamboree patch. the less significant the patch becomes and less valuable..Is that why you are against the visitors patch...I know someone here is also against it for they will spend close to $1500 for the patch and the right to go and for visitors to go for one day and get a patch,,regardless if it is a visitors patch or not, they feel is not right...But as a visitor one cannot particapate in any of the activities..is also something that a scout or leader needs to think about when going just for one day..There are arguments on both sides.. sam
  4. To acco40 "I've never been to a National Jamboree, yet I proudly (and correctly) wear my Jamboree patch." How do you wear it proudly and correctly for you said you have never been to a National Jamboree..For even visitors to the National Jamboree only can wear the Patch as a Temp Patch on the right pocket..For only registered participants can wear the National Jamboree patch ABOVE the right pocket. Did you misspoke yourself..or were you mistaken..Just checking.. Sam
  5. No it did not...My mom had put the patch from my uniform in a drawer and I had 2 brand new patches in the sealed plastic they came in..So I do not know about them drying out or fading...Sorry I was not much help..sam
  6. I went to Moraine, PA..I was in troop912 from Fort Lee Va..I am not sure what part of camp but i still remember playing the Friendship game where you had a colored letter and you tried to find other scouts from different parts of the country and world to spell out FRIENDSHIP. You Then had the scouts sign the back of your card..Than you all stayed together while you find other scouts with the letters you needed...I also liked the colorful patch..And I am wearing it proudly and correctly..I remember Danny Thomas on opening night.It was great.. But as you read the BSA Uniform Guide it says Boy Scout/Venturer/Scouter as a registered participant..I am now a Scouter and did not go as a Adult Scouter..I know this is cutting hairs. I agree with the postings that it is a Emblem/Patch and is not an Award..and if you went as a Boy Scout or Venturer then you can still wear it as a adult Scouter..and I am..But there are a few that have raised the question for there is a difference between a participating as a Boy Scout and participating as a Adult Scouter and it is a matter of interpretation of the Guide..I wish BSA or Scouting Magazine would put out something official instead of 1 paragraph in the Uniform Guide. Esp since the 2005 Jamboree is coming up as well as the 2010 National and World Jamboree and 100 years of Scouting..Thanks Sam
  7. I attended the 1973 National Jamboree in PA as a 15 year old scout. I am now 46 and a Asst Scoutmaster..I was a Webelos Leader with my son and we both have crossed over to Boy scouting. My son is 11..I was away from scouting for along time..The question I have is that the Uniform Guide states, "The jamboree emblem is worn over the right pocket by Boy Scouts/Ventures/Scouters who were registered to attend or attended the jamboree as a registered participant or staff member." This is from the Official BSA Uniform Guide..The website www.scoutmaster.org states, "That once earned, the jamboree emblem can be worn for a indefinte amount of time or until you participate in the next jamboree.." Talking of the 2001 National Jamboree Emblem. There are 2 ways of thinking here..I was a participant as a 15 year old scout but now I am a adult scouter..and should not wear the emblem..There are only a few awards that Scouters can wear as adults that they earned as Boy Scouts..The other way of thinking is like the scoutmaster.org states..That the National Jamboree patch earned either as a Boy Scout/Venturer/or Scouter can be worn until you participate in the next Jamboree..The uniform Guide is vague and scoutmaster.org is more detailed but the website is not Official and is only a guide..I know this may not appear to be a problem for I did earn it as a Boy Scout, but now I am a adult Scouter and it has brought up some dicussions and disagrements..For if we as adults are to enforce uniform regs for our younger scouts to follow,,than we cannot wear emblems or awards or anything that we should or cannot wear or wear what we should wear incorrectly..My thoughts are that BSA does not want a 15-17 year old scout to wear the Jamboree patch or World Jamboree Emblem, for most a once in lifetime event, only to have that scout remove said emblem when the scout turns 18..I went ahead and put my National Jamboree Emblem on my uniform and am proud that I attended and still have fond memories..Any thoughts or suggestions or Policy or has this come up before.. Thank you for anything you can provide me. sam
  8. I am wondering about the 2005 Jamboree Patches. The 2001 Jamboree had 4 different patches,,for participants (Youth and Adult), for visitors, and for staff. Are they doing the same thing for the 2005 Jamboree..We are thinking about visiting and some of the scouts want to know and the Official WebSite says nothing but they want Troops to Visit the Jamboree...And scouts old and young like patches..There has been alot of talk about the 50 mile limit..The website says that National would not authorize any permits for troops to stay within 50 miles of the Jamboree site and has asked local councils to review each National permit submitted..Some of you mention a 250 mile limit..This must be a local council policy for it is not National BSA Policy. Alot of postings have mentioned why..I can only guess for BSA has not said..But if I was a tired travelor on I95 I would hate to drive from DC to Richmond being tired for all the Motels were booked for 2 weeks..I am just guessing..and they are asking for visits of only one day..So another reason could be if you did camp at a nearby park or nearby motel you could visit more than one day. The 50 mile limit could discourage this for troops would have to drive more than 50 miles to and than from the Jamboree site..But I am just guessing though...
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