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Everything posted by wtr100

  1. I'm looking for the old rifle requirements - they required a certain score in Standing , Kneeling and Prone
  2. the form looks more or less like Animal Name Resource (name and page number) Leader Initials This is just an example there are several places where this is an issue - at least to me.
  3. hope this is the right place for this when I went to the scoutmaster basic training course it was explained to me that we were to follow the requirements exactly - not to add to them nor to leave things out. It seems to me my troop over the years has added quite a lot of 'paperwork' to the requirements. An example Second Class #5 Identify or show evidence of at least ten kinds of wild animals (birds, mammals, reptiles, fish, mollusks) found in your community. My troop requires the boys to fill out a form provided by the troop the form may or may not require a leader to initial that in fact the boy has seen the animal. It also requires the boy to look up the animal in a reference book, list the book and the page and why they think they saw what they saw. There is some push back on boys that don't use the 'troop policy' form. It seems to me this is a pretty clear case of 'adding' to the requirements or am I missing something? thanks
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