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  1. Hi YiS, The project you're talking about would be a great contribution to the literature on Scouting. I hope someone will tackle all the "nuts and bolts." The book I have in mind would be a memory type book - including some general history but with a focus on individual stories that capture the "heart and soul" of Scouting. In looking at and thinking about Scouting and what it means, the following story that I found here is the type of thing that I see as being central to the book: http://www.scouter.com/archives/Scouts-L/199608/0396.asp I don't know the leader who penned this piece, but I hope to get in touch. The piece may be published already. Regardless, it's a great article. It's the type of thing that I'd like to put to paper - collections of such stories as well as interesting facts. Again I do recognize the importance of a comprehensive history with solid details. I just wouldn't be the writer for that project. It's a good project - just not in my area.
  2. Hi Crew Momma, I might mention some shifts over time but likely not scandals. Those can be important in thinking about strengthening the program, but this book is a "feel good" book. There are so many good things that come from Scouting. I'd like people to pick it up and remember the good times. Again, I'm not saying the program is perfect. None are. An academic style study of the program would be beneficial. It's just not where I want to head. I would like to honor my father and others like him who put so much time and heart into Scouting. I want stories from the hands-on leaders and the kids. A memory book vs. a history book. Some history to put it in perspective. But, a lifestories slant.
  3. Hi Ea, My style is very conversational. I'd be telling the story with lots of anecdotes plus photos. The book would cover some high spots, changes over time and meaningful moments in time reflective of the overall program. Think along the lines of a scrapbook - pieces that ring memory bells, interesting facts, some trivia. It would not be a comprehensive history of Scouting. It would be a celebration of the first 100 yrs with a collection of memorabilia. An example that comes to mind is a link here where a Scoutmaster tells the story of a Scout in his troop who was in a wheelchair. That single story captures a lot about the program and what it can mean. Those few personal paragraphs would say more than page after page of recitation. In talking about merit badges, I'd cover some changes over time. But, the central focus would be stories - like a Scout who earned every merit badge. I guess it would have kind of a Chicken Soup feel but with more sidebars for info.
  4. Hi Old Grey Eagle, Yes. That's what I have in mind. I am hoping folks here will know of interesting groups and people that I could contact. I'm fortunate to know a number of great folks involved with Scouting, but I can only guess how many are out there that I'll never know about unless someone mentions them. I noticed, for example, that a couple of young men had completed all the current merit badges. One of my sons has done a lot - but certainly not all. I'd love to talk to a Scout who earned every one. That is quite an accomplishment!
  5. Hi Jambo - Yes. I will do a history section and drop back to the U.K. roots. Then, I'll shift over to the U.S. focus. I think an international book would be fabulous, but it would take a lot of time and travel to do it right. I work full-time and write freelance in my spare time. I do collect information though, and maybe some day a more comprehensive work would be possible.
  6. Hi Jambo, My focus will be BSA - U.S. An international book would be fabulous, but I don't have the resources for that kind of coverage. Not yet anyway. A book about the concerns/problems with Scouting could be a helpful project, but this one would be about the good things about Scouting. I know there are problems, but there are a lot of good things that come from being in the program too. Our program here is small - not much cash. But the boys do a lot of stuff and have a good time. They're learned a lot as well.
  7. Hi Jambo, The book is going to focus on BSA - Scouting in the U.S. It's kind of a celebration of the good things about Scouting. I understand that there are problems and concerns with the program, but an anniversiary edition usually covers the successes. In our family, we have a lot of great memories from Scouting. That's what I want to spotlight. A book about the flaws would be an important text as well. It's just not where my heart is as far as the project. I clicked your name for profile but didn't see the sites you mentioned. Am I missing something? Thanks for the ideas. I'll try to get lots of different people covered but with a more narrow focus. I wouldn't have the budget for an international book - but perhaps in the future.
  8. When I reread I know it sounded like the 100 yr mark is 2009. I know it's 2010. The 2009 would be a target publishing date. Tks.
  9. I know the 100 year is 2010 for BSA. The 2009 is the target release date. Just clarifying.
  10. I visited the New to the Forum section, and I hope it's OK to post here as well. I'm working on a book about Scouting. It's a history/nostalgia/up to current book. It's bascially an overview of BSA over 100 years coming up on 2009. My dad was very involved in Scouting. He made Life but went to the Naval Academy at age 17, so he did not complete Eagle. I'm sure he always regretted that. But, he did go on to earn the Silver Beaver. His sons (my brothers) made Eagle, and my sons also. My dad died last summer right before my boys finished up the Eagles. I see the book as a tribute to my dad. I'm looking for ideas, stories, photos and contacts. I'd love to include lots of people and groups. Feel free to contact me at cookingpublisher@consumerhelpweb.com. I'm sure a lot of folks here have great stories and also contacts that would make this a book that would be really special. Thanks for anything you'd like to share!
  11. I come from a Scouting family. My Dad was the local Scoutmaster for years. He died in a traffic accident last summer. He was helping my sons with Eagle projects at the time. Both sons did earn Eagle this past year. I'm now working on a book about Scouting. It will be an overview - history, nostalgia and up to current. Basically, it's a celebration of the first 100 yrs of Scouting in the USA. I know that's 2009 - but it's coming fast. I'd love to hear from those involved with Boy Scouts from all over the country. I could use history, stories, photos and so on. Contacts would be great. If you know anyone who would be good to speak with by phone, email or even in person, that would be great. My email is cookingpublisher@consumerhelpweb.com I'm guessing I should also check in on the section about history here too. Thanks for any ideas. I think this would be a great tribute to my dad and to the Eagles in the family. I would hope that it would be a book that all Scouts would enjoy and would cherish. Thanks!
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