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woodie on surfari

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  1. Thanks to everyone for their input. The Scouts in question are all young Scouts that just bridged over in January so that's where a lot of my concern originated. They definitely need supervision and direction wherever they are. Your help is much appreciated!
  2. I need some help on a question. Our committee chairman has suggested farming our boys out for (heavy) manual labor (i.e. construction site clean up, clearing land of debris, farm clean up) as a way to "earn" money for summer camp. My concern is that these activities are not appropriate Scout "fundraising" activites and that there could be liability issues (if one of the boys gets hurt and/or someone's personal property is damaged) since they are on private property and being "paid" for their "labor". I believe there are child labor laws to consider as well. Any thoughts? Am I being too cautious?
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