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    New Orleans Area

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  1. Actually, being a commissioner looks like it will work out better. (I won't be tied to housemoms' schedules, and I really can't show up immediatly after school if I'm still in classes.) Besides, I'm more comfortable with adults than kids. (which isn't saying much. I really am not good at crossing generational boundaries, and most adults, i've found, don't enjoy a kid knowing more than they do. Which is what it still comes down to, I'm only three years out of high school after all.)
  2. My wife's a called teacher. They can't fire her, but they can lower her pay. I'll enjoy having one fewer thing to do each week, but i can't decide which is the 'least' important. As for a 'floating den leader, this is how it has worked so far. I've been moved from Wolf leader to Webelos Assistant, although the webelos have not had a meeting since my reassignment. they are all in the school's sports, so during season (read school year) they have few meetings. I don't understand it, but have been told it's "the way it is." I also have the potential (since i have no kids in any den and am not tied down to one) to be moved to the next grassfire once they find a replacment for me.
  3. Can't help it, It is nice to know things (doesn't happen all that much.)
  4. Ok, so i took a look at the papers I have and the stuff i needed was probably there. I have concluded the video (which is much of what i remember of the training) had two Troop things ("The Visit" and the Chartering Organization Rep visit) one Cub thing (Commitee visit {finding a new CM}) and one venture thing (our crew doesn't meet, what do we do!?) I now see what went wrong (I was rather confused.)
  5. I am a brand new adult leader. I am a floating Den Leader, mostly because i have no children, let alone any in the Pack, and am flexible. The Pack just changed Cub Masters, so everything is a little disorganized around here. And then I get tapped to be a Unit Commisioner. I have three Packs, in varying states of disarray. Unfortunately (or furtunately, I'm not sure yet) I got assigned to my Pack. This doesn't seem to be a problem yet, I have no vested intrest in the Pack besides stability (I'm trying to work on it...) and it would be difficult to pull me into one side of an argument. nless it was the Church vs. the Pack, then I would be forced to take the church's side, as losing favor in the church could have lasting effects on my wife's job. I'm rambling again. I earned my Eagle three years ago (I was rather late in realizing my time limit) and have been inactive in OA since 99. (trying to fix that) I'm a college student, and can't seem to find all the time i need for everything on my plate (which is rather small to begin with. I'm also new to my area, so I have no idea about the underlying structures of any of these organizations I've gotten myself tied to. I believe that's all.
  6. Um, he was at the same training as me, he didn't have a part in the training. And he is a new District Commisioner, mostly because our district has been running Commisioner-less for quite a while. We are a 'new thing' around here.
  7. I had this problem and fixed it. There aren't 31 days in Feb. Change it to 28 and ta da! works.
  8. Should not each branch have their own set of commisioners? Cub-Boy-Venture-et cetera? I already ran into difficulties with one of my packs because my training was almost entirely handling Troops (I have 3 Packs, no Troops) and i simply couldn't figure out why the Principal would not sign the recharter. I brought it up to my District Commisioner and he said the District Executive would handle it. Where does this leave me? I still have no idea what to do should this problem occur again. (And the CM involved didn't want me there anyway. I called three times and his wife answered twice and had some mysterious reason why he couldn't come to the phone. I think he thinks i was butting in where I don't belong. This makes it difficult to ask if i can visit the pack meeting.) I assume that, since i was trained to talk to church representatives, a Cub Commisioner training might include some helpful hints on how to talk to (or even get ahold of) principals and the like. Of my three Packs, only one is attached to a church/school, and the assistant Pastor is the one i have to deal with there. That leaves two principals. It occurs to me that i am rambling now and I shall shut up.
  9. I was wondering (as a search of this area didn't show it) if I can wear my World Conservation Award on my adult uniform? I earned it (although I wasn't trying, i just took all the required merit badges - a committee member found the thing and wanted to have the kids earn it, I was the only scout in the troop that already qualified.) and never got to wear it. It was presented to me about a week before my Eagle was, and it never made it onto my uniform.
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