I am a brand new adult leader. I am a floating Den Leader, mostly because i have no children, let alone any in the Pack, and am flexible. The Pack just changed Cub Masters, so everything is a little disorganized around here.
And then I get tapped to be a Unit Commisioner. I have three Packs, in varying states of disarray. Unfortunately (or furtunately, I'm not sure yet) I got assigned to my Pack. This doesn't seem to be a problem yet, I have no vested intrest in the Pack besides stability (I'm trying to work on it...) and it would be difficult to pull me into one side of an argument. nless it was the Church vs. the Pack, then I would be forced to take the church's side, as losing favor in the church could have lasting effects on my wife's job. I'm rambling again.
I earned my Eagle three years ago (I was rather late in realizing my time limit) and have been inactive in OA since 99. (trying to fix that)
I'm a college student, and can't seem to find all the time i need for everything on my plate (which is rather small to begin with.
I'm also new to my area, so I have no idea about the underlying structures of any of these organizations I've gotten myself tied to.
I believe that's all.