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  • Location
    Phoenix, AZ

willisjj's Achievements

Junior Member

Junior Member (1/3)



  1. Thank you all for the warm welcomes! I will be a regular on here before you know it!
  2. Thank you very much SemperParatus. Appreciate the link.
  3. I am a newbie here in Phoenix, AZ and actually, my son and I have not even found a troop to join yet or recieved any contact info on any troops in our area. My son has never been in the scouts and is very excited about the prospect. I was a scout in the Army for 10 years which is not exactly the same, ha, but that is the extent of my own experiences too. I was very happy to find this forum as it will be of tremendous help in learning the ropes. If there is anyone in the Phoenix area that could use us, please let me know. I am looking for a troop that is involved in the whole spectrum of scouting and look forward to camping trips, fund raisers, etc. and would like to be 100% involved myself. I wish you all a great Easter weekend!
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