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Everything posted by williamsanseverino

  1. Seeking to contact members and leaders of my old Boy Scout troop #931 who met at Ebenezer Church in Chicago, Illinois - circa 1952 through 1956. I have made contact with John Ferneborg, Dennis McCusker, John Dorrow and Ed Sladek. I am looking for others including: Norm Petersen (Scout Leader) Robert Valleni (now living in Torrence CA???) Ron Valleni Bob Cox James Varveris (now living in Colorado???) Roy Olson Bob Leonard Dennis Sullivan Randall Sanders John Glees Ronald Rock Norman VanKampen (now living in Chicago???) and others All help is appreciated. Thank you. Bill Sanseverino 1697 Hampshire Drive Elk Grove Village, IL 60007-2761 williamsanseverino@yahoo.com 1-847-524-4406
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