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  1. SSScout excellent thoughts thank you. I see by looking at my original post I did not make it clear that I am after ideas on insurance or companies to contact about this type of insurance. Ssscout Your thought process pretty much matches what we have done to line up buses so far. 1. We currently have 4 volunteer drivers, however they do not work for the School bus company that we are renting from ($55 per day $.75 per mile for the bus) 2. It is over public roads 3. We have one church that has stepped forward with one bus and one driver. However we would prefer their driver (one of our leaders) be available to run his awesome event at camporee and not be driving bus (Church will only allow the bus to be run by one of their drivers, I think this sounds fair to me). 4. Since the troop got the insurance from Council last year we assumed that it would not be an issue to get the insurance through council again. I am not upset at Council they have done nothing wrong. We have plenty of time to switch to plan b or plan c at this time if we cannot solve the insurance issue.
  2. Yes miles apart, thus the need for buses. Papadaddy, is there a point to your post? We of course have back up plans to solve the problem, they however are not as good a solution as the 2 bus plan. Thus the question to the larger Scouting communittee to see if anyone has constructive ideas on an insurance solution that would fit this need or that can give me a better explanation of the insurance needed.
  3. Good Day I am the camporee committee chair person for our 2012 Camporee. We are needing to run buses between event locations on the Saturday of our event. We can rent buses and provide our own volunteer CDL/passenger qualified drivers. However the bus company wants a million dollar rider policy per Bus. We thought we could get this policy through our local council (it was done for a troop last year) so we proceeded forward with this idea. Council is telling us that they only provide a policy that is on top of what the individual drivers insurance covers. I understood that is how it works for health insurance and my car insurance (mine first then scout insurance). However if I was a volunteer driver I would not step forward if that was the only insurance that the group I was going to help out could get. Am I missing something? at this time renting the bus and driver from the bus company is $165 per hour (way way out of our budget for camporee). We are looking for 2 buses running all day long. Anyone have any ideas?
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