The time in rank for tenderfoot, 2nd and 1st class were removed but covered by 60 days of physical activity and showing improvement, 5 troop or patrol activities and 10 troop patrol activities.
The more active the boy and troop the faster those can be met. Part of the problem is the diversity of skills -- some scouts can cook, read a compass, know first aid etc... before they hit scouting. Others don't have a clue. The phrase "It is about the Boy" should be the guide. It is not good for the boy to be just checked off but to actually learn the skill. This requires active program. Unfortunately, when boys start hitting the ages of 14.5 and up, schools, churchs, sports etc.. start demanding a great deal of there time without bending. I believe this is part of why those motivated to Eagle are younger than originally.
Every Eagle that comes out of our troop must be proficent in the skills -- this is just right and best for the boy.