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Whitney Dunlap

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Whitney Dunlap's Achievements

Junior Member

Junior Member (1/3)



  1. It doesn't sound like an Eagle Scout Leadership project to me. Written up as is, I would deny it. I emphasize that this project is the culmination of a scout's advancement experience. He is expected to bring to bear everything he has learned about leadership, and attempt a project which he will look back upon in later years with a sense of "wow, did I do that!". The project has to be do-able, that is it can't be too large, yet it has to have a definite shape, require organization, some level of fundraising, a method for completion, and must pull other people into helping complete it. Most of our projects typically involve the Eagle candidate employing 50-75 hours of his time, plus 200 of more volunteer man hours (they add up quickly on a good project.) Whitney Dunlap T-401 ASM/Eagle Corrdinator
  2. Does anyone know where, or if, there is an Eagle Scout Leadership Project Packet that is available online and is interactive. I want to email each of my Life Scouts/Eagle candidates such a packet so they can draft and edit their project write-up. Perhaps a .pdf form that allows responses to be typed to each question, and can be saved to a hard drive and then printed? Whitney Dunlap T-401, ASM/Eagle Coordinator Richmond, KY 859-623-5205 office
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