I have found this discussion to be an interesting one and obviously one that needs serious consideration. An element that I found my self going back to while I read the many posts, is the "new design" of the scout uniform. When I first heard and saw the new Class A Uniform shirt, I was concerned over the fact that there was a special pocket for an I-Pod (or similar). I wondered where such a device fit into the scouting experience. I was concerned that the fun of associating with others would be diminished due to the nature of the I-Pod (or similar) as it is designed to be an independent activity. It was explained to me that "we need to keep up with the times. Our scouts are utilizing technology and we need to aid them by keeping the design of the uniform current." (statement made by a scouting decision maker)
With this concern stated, I feel compelled to suggest that electronic devices that are not specifically designed to aid a scout (GPS, weather radio) be eliminated from the scouting experience. I remember traveling as a kid with no cell phones and limited electronic engagement and you know, I learned how to get from place to place, knew better how to read a map, took time to find a pay phone, and over all, not only enjoyed the experience but learned from it and survived it.
Specifically relating to porn, I agree that Porn is entirely too available. Let's find ways to limit the accessibility our children have to porn. By interacting and engaging kids in activities and conversations, it seems to me that we can potentially reduce the opportunities our kids have to access it.