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  1. I agree with you guys. 'appreciate all your advice. I bet that what's important is for me to plan then lead the den in monthly meetings. Get the boys' earn their tiger cub totem and not pushing them to succeed, but to participate and enjoy the time together. I can see the importance of every adult partner's participation in the go see it outing here.
  2. My son recently joined a geology and geocaching camporee which is upcoming this June. Venue is in Pennsylvania. I'm not really familiar with this activity as I am used to pathfinding during my days. Reading from my son's pamphsheets, there's a few stuff needed including handheld GPS. One thing that caught my eyes was that they listed to use waterproof logbook. I say that I still have some notepads which my boy can use rather than buying, why is there a need to use a waterproof then? Is there a new guideline or BSA article implementing such?
  3. Greetings Fellow Scouters, While searching infos on how the BSA had changed since my cub scout to boy scout days from 1984 to later part of it, I saw this great forum. I just signed in for my son's Tigercub Den Leader together with my wife from last year's adventure. Since then I have this eagerness from within to return again as a paying tribute to those camping, pathfinding, and some rafting days all that was given to me for almost 8 and another years from Cub Scouting through my Eagle and the OA. But I have noticed various changes such as the Tiger Cub programs, exploring becoming Venturing, Leadership Corps gone, and the old council and OA lodge that I had disappeared through a merger. I will certainly post comments and or inquiries in the light of educating others or me learning from others. Regards.
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