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Everything posted by wdwnut

  1. Thank you all for your opinions and insight. I talked to more moms this morning at school drop off. Everyone of them said that they don''t want the boy to leave. They just want his mom to step up to the plate. I''m going to be sure to pass that on to my husband so it gets to the mom. I realize that adhd kids are different. We had one a few years ago that earned his AOL and moved on. I don''t even think the problems with this scout is the adhd. I think it''s pdd, parental discipline disorder.
  2. Thanks for the responses. My husband has a lot of contacts and friends at council. He has mentioned this problem before to them but I think that he is MUCH nicer than I would be about it. As far as meds, the mom doesn''t think he needs them. We''ve discussed it in the past and she said they tried but he just sat and cried so she never gave it to him again. We were really hoping that she got some help over the summer but I guess that was wishful thinking. The parents are divorced and the dad doesn''t want to "label" his kid so there is definately some resistance there. I really think that the mom is just clueless, or in denial, or something. You would think having your first grader kicked out of school would be a wake up call but she turns it around and blames everyone else. I really like the idea of her stepping down to assistant and staying with her son. We do have a lot of parents that I''m sure would pick up the slack. Thanks again.
  3. Hi everyone. I hope you can give some advice on how to handle a situation that has come up in our pack. This is going to be long so bear with me please. My husband is CM and I''m on the committee for our pack and I''m also treasurer. We have a Web I son and have been heavily involved in the pack for the past two years. There is a wolf that to say he''s out of control is an understatement. He has been diagnosed with ADHD and his mother is Den Leader. However the mom does a minimum amount of discipline with her child. He does not sit still in Pack meetings and is found on top of tables and chairs or just running around while presentations are going on. My husband and the other Den leaders have tried to get him back in his seat but it only lasts a few minutes. If he stopped everytime this kid got up our meetings would take 3 hours. We had hoped that after he got expelled from our private school that the mom may take some action over the summer. That didn''t happen and now that things are starting up again his behavior seems to have gotten worse. We had a family camp out this weekend and the mom did not correct him once. All the other families are frustrated and many including myself refuse to correct this kid because it does nothing! We do all our den meeting together in the gym and separate out into dens. It has worked out really well as we always have 2 (or 6!) deep leadership this way. Our first den meeting of the year was this past Monday and this child tried to climb out the window and was swinging around a piece of wood that he found somewhere. Again mom was off chatting and not paying attention leaving another leader to correct his behavior. Now it''s come to my attention that other parents are seriously considering leaving scouts because of this kid. We have worked hard to build our numbers and have a successful pack with lots of parental involvement. I do not want to see our pack destroyed because of one child and his mom. My husband is going to have a talk with the mom tomorrow but we aren''t sure how to tactfully explain the situation and the consequences. We don''t want to kick him out because he probably really needs Scouts but at the same time we don''t want to lose other good scouts and parents. I''ve suggested that he tell her that she has to be with her child every second and not leave his side until his behavior improves. Any other suggestions? Thanks!(This message has been edited by wdwnut)
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