Thanks for the responses. My husband has a lot of contacts and friends at council. He has mentioned this problem before to them but I think that he is MUCH nicer than I would be about it.
As far as meds, the mom doesn''t think he needs them. We''ve discussed it in the past and she said they tried but he just sat and cried so she never gave it to him again. We were really hoping that she got some help over the summer but I guess that was wishful thinking. The parents are divorced and the dad doesn''t want to "label" his kid so there is definately some resistance there.
I really think that the mom is just clueless, or in denial, or something. You would think having your first grader kicked out of school would be a wake up call but she turns it around and blames everyone else.
I really like the idea of her stepping down to assistant and staying with her son. We do have a lot of parents that I''m sure would pick up the slack.
Thanks again.