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Everything posted by WBBeaver04

  1. Some key issues have been touched on, others alluded to, and others missed. Basically, no one uniform can do it all. As has been touched on, the military is the source for a our uniform. Yes, we are not a para-military organization, but we cannot get away from our roots. We need a dress uniform, and a field uniform. The problem then becomes cost. The current cost to completely outfit a uniform, is just over $100. To have a dressuniform AND a field uniform becomes prohibitive. I have three sons in Scouting. Between their uniforms and mine, it gets very pricey very quickly, to keep us all uniformed. My Troop is very active outdoors, as are many of the units in my council. Our Troop policy is full Class A for meetings, and special events, and usually travel. If we are not wearing our Class A's while traveling, we will wear Troop t-shirts, or sweatshirts. Trousers are usually Scout's choice. Though there is formally no Class A uniform, we do follow the military designation for Class A through C. Class A is the official Scout uniform. Class B is Troop t-shirt or sweatshirt, or fleece, with Scout trousers, socks, and belt. Class C is Troop shirt with any pair of trousers appropriate for the activity. I have been involved in many conversations with Scouts and Scouters, about the new uniform. For the most part, they do not like it. Almost to a person, everyone hates the cargo pockets on the shirts, especially the women. For obvious reasons. Even before the shirst came out, one District member commented on the sleeve pocket, saying, "Now I have a place for my cigarettes." When we (the District) found out that the pocket was an 'electronics' pocket, we were, for want of a word, very unhappy. A most inappropriate adjunct to a Scouting uniform. Surprisinglly, a fair number of the boys miss the knee socks. Several take every opportunity to purchase knee socks when we visit other council Scout shops. On th subject of knee socks: shorts. We thought it about time that BSA had a uniform trouser with leg zips. However, their first try was an abysmal failure. Their second try, was not a great improvement. Yes, we do not need to see boxers hanging from the short's legs. We also do not want the zippers rubbing the backs of our knees. What we do need is a removable pant leg that can be taken off over a hiking boot. The first try barely made it over shoes or low cut boots. The current try doesn't even have boot zips. Further, the first try at leg zips also didn't look good on anyone. Poorly tailored, and always seeming to run long in the leg. As far as the low contrast patches go, either people don't like them, or don't care. I haven't heard anyone say they like them. Most comments lean toward them looking TOO military-like. Again, to a man (or woman), almost everyone prefers the Boy Scout red shoulder tabs over the new green. Other things to consider are BSA rules and regs on uniforming. One, uniforms are NOT required to participate in Scouting. Two, hats and neckerchiefs are not required at the national level. They are unit optional. Our unit tells all new parents not to buy BSA uniform hats. However, everyone participating in outdoor activities is required to wear an appropriate hat for the activity. The troop has a unit-specific neckerchief. It may be a unit tradition, but few Scouts complain, and fewer take every opportunity to remove them (one of my sons included). To go along with the neckerchief, we have a custom unit slide. The history of the slide, and its uniqueness make it desireable by all boys. The now-discontinued activity shirt was addressed as a possible uniform shirt. With few modifications, I think it a good idea. I own several, and find them very comfortable, and usable. I wear them hiking and camping, they clean easily, dry quickly, but always seems to need to be ironed. One thing that seems to be missed in this conversation is why we use the colors we do in our uniforms. Maybe originally it had to do with our military history, but it is now more practical. We teach our leaders and youth to wear clothing that is not of a high contrast out in the woods. Not to wear anything that might be disturbing to wildlife. Khaki and green do the trick. By coincidence or design, we cannot escape the comparisons between BSA unfiroms and military field uniforms. We all want to blend in. Someone mentioned chambray shirts. Sorry, I see or hear chambray, and I think Navy utility uniform chirt. That would only be appropriate for either Venturers or Explorers, and only depending on their area of practice. About collars. I say keep the collar. It may be cooler in hot weatehr without one, but in cold weather, a collar comes in handy to stop the wind, and can also help keep the rain off. BSA uniforming also suggests tucking the shirt collar under, as an option, and that the wearing of a neckerchief can be worn over OR under the collar. Your choice. It is clear that any one uniform will not make everyone happy. However, Scouting is not about the uniform. The uniform is merely a mechanism to support the program and the promise. Since the uniform is what it is, it is important that it accomplish two things: one, be recognizable, and two, be as utilitarian possible, without losing its recognizability.(This message has been edited by wbbeaver04)
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