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Everything posted by WasE61

  1. "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." OK....reopen Ellis Island, send the 11 million undocumented illegal aliens there and let's do it right. AND ... close the border with Mexico...nothing there we need.
  2. "the official BSA reason for the BSA policy on homosexuality is not youth protection, not a guard against sexual molestation - it is because homosexuals (in their eyes) don't make good role models." Correction - That was Baden Powell's position in 1910. The cowards in BSA leadership and backwards religious groups that jerk their chains today haven't the backbone to acknowledge that we are all God's children, regardless of how He decided to make us. Or perhaps they just lack the capability of independent thought. Ironically, there is some historical accounts that suggests that Powell himself was gay.
  3. So, I guess what we need to do is "better" regulate the "well regulated militia". If the age limits are 17-to-45, well, we can enforce that. That would take the 200 or so guns my nutter Father-in-Law has and those few of mine as well. Of course the "CDH" crowd, (Cold Dead Hand) wouldn't abide by that law either.
  4. Focusing back to the original thread ... The latest issue of "American Rifleman" (aka the NRA propaganda rag) arrived yesterday ... the cover said it all... "SIEGE". I tossed it out this morning when I saw it....
  5. Doubled sentence? Life without Parole? Eeesh...that's whimpy. Any person convicted of a crime, while possessing a firearm during the commission of the crime, gets a mandatory death sentence. That'll cull the herd pretty quick. BTW, most state limit weapons for hunting to 5-6 rounds ... sometimes only 3.(This message has been edited by WasE61)
  6. "The BSA is probably the largest and most diverse youth group in the nation..." Really? My local community is 30% Hispanic, while the local troop is 99% white. The LDS troops are mostly 100% white. "The BSA has never been bigoted." Oh, come now ... infinitives? Boy Scouts of America allowed (and in some cases, encouraged) councils to adopt a policy of racial discrimination until 1974 (as a result of an out of court settlement with the NAACP). It was not until 1942, that the last council rescinded its ban on African Americans from being Boy Scouts. Scouting has never been a "leader" in the area of civil rights ...
  7. "My son is going and I was told only insulin will be kept at health 'lodge' areas." That means Epi-Pens as well....those things are very shock-tolerant...one when off in my daughter's purse a year or so ago...needle when right through the case...glad it wasn't in her pocket. "teenagers in charge of their own ADHD meds" That's probably not too good of an idea as well...although I've seen it work in small groups... I don't know of any that *aren't* controlled substances ... even the few that were not stimulus based (off the market now I think) were still on the controlled list.
  8. Back when mine was considering going (he decided a while back it was a waste of his time and money) I sent several basic questions to the BSA about logistics, emergency care ... all went unanswered...not even an acknowledgment of "hey we have your question, we'll look into it"... That would be customer service rating of "fail".
  9. I must admit, that I always looked at Gov. Christie as a mindless hyper-right minion. I am happy to admit my error. Thank you Governor Christie, for inserting some common decency on a subject that will get messy anyway. http://www.inquisitr.com/486074/chris-christie-slams-nra-for-obamas-daughters-ad/#ZahQsLjSgEI56BOu.01
  10. "Since the police are civilians in unform, does your plan apply to them as well? " I believe that is incorrect, since technically, a Police officer is always on duty, even when not on duty.
  11. We've all heard of "Birthers" ... well I actually ran across a "Deather". Some nitwit at a Life Insurance company (no I really can't remember which one) who wanted the Death Certificate in order to pay out policy. We asked for the address and said we'd have a certified copy sent to him ASAP. He said, "No, I have to have the original ... " It took a long time for him to realize that he *never* gets *the* original.
  12. "But of course they didn't ban any research. They just banned spending tax dollars on it." So if the DNC, goes and pays for the collection of data on firearms in the US, do you think the NRA would accept any conclusions made from the data. Heck no, the NRA would claim that the data is skewed. Conversely, if the NRA collected the data, would the DNC believe the results ... nope ... The fact is, there has to be an independent collection path...the medical community and the CDC would probably be a pretty good path.
  13. What? I agree with Beav? Yes, it is idiotic that we aren't even allowed to collect data on the topic. As a result, we are blind as to what the issues are, let alone their causes. That fact is largely the result of lobbying by the NRA, gun manufacturers. What's even more comical is how the pro-gun lobby goes completely ape&$^% when the government (without data that the pro-gunners didn't want us to get) has to go out and do something to stop this nonsense. How about a simple Draconian law? If you are convicted of committing a crime, and the crime was committed with a firearm in your possession, the only available penalty for said crime is death. That should cut things down after a year or so.
  14. Yes, the death of a child is tragic under all circumstances. Car accidents deaths forged the laws to require seat belts...then booster seats and infant car seats. Accidental drownings forged the laws to require pool fences around back yard pools in certain locales. So, should mass murders of teens and kids with firearms compel some change in the way we view, access and control firearms. Seems logical.
  15. 1) Of course all transfers of firearms should require a background check. 2) General McChrystal has it spot on. Civilians should not have access to military-grade weapons. 3) I am all for data collection and research. The CDC, DOJ and other agency's research into issues related to firearms has been hampered by Congress for decades. Of course, Congress has done so at the financial behest of (you guessed it) the NRA and the firearms manufacturers. The reason the CDC was collecting data was because the medical community reports to the CDC, not the DOJ. Ironically, if you enter the Family Court system in the US, you are almost immediately asked if either party has firearms, if so, what types, how much ammo, and why are next. If you answer "yes" you are on the short list for losing parenting time and having protection orders placed.
  16. "It's gotten to the point that getting the Eagle doesn't matter so much. It's the message that counts. It's the desire that no other Scout should ever have to go through this," Eric Andresen said. Well said.
  17. Chili? Yeah right, my Scout would have gone hungry... Fact is, with the ADD/ADHD crowd in Scouting, the lack of menu diversity shouldn't be a big surprise. I'll bet just from observations that 40% of my son's troop is ADD/ADHD. The menu boundaries really don't start to break down until about 14-16... and it's slower for ADD/ADHD kids. Unless you have a severe malnutrition problem in your Troop, I wouldn't sweat it. It's not like Chili is a super-food.
  18. Just because some are encumbered by their religious beliefs does not mean that everyone else should have to bear and raise a child that they may not want, nor can support. In 2009 alone, Americans adopted 12,000+ children from OTHER countries. I guess American babies aren't good enough for Americans....maybe some church can pick up the slack.
  19. "Actually, I'm inclined to agree with the NRA. One armed guard could have prevented the Sandyhook incident. " Funny, that did not work at Columbine....or Aurora.
  20. Kinda frightening to think that there are so many people carrying out in the public. My feeling is that 99% of them will have no idea the conditions under which to pull and fire that weapon and no understanding what a off target round can do. To kill another human (or any animal for that matter) a certain level of ruthlessness is required. I doubt that most people have that in them. Given that the most likely scenario is a CQB, it is easy to imagine that most CCW holders will be easily overwhelmed by groping for their weapon, and end up getting killed by their own pistol.
  21. "You have to get a license to drive a car, you have to get a license for your dog, you have to get a license to hunt, heck, you even have to get a license in order to fish, but they'll let any Tom, Dick or Harry be a dad. " Or buy a gun....
  22. There was an armed Police officer at Columbine HS at the time of the attack there. He engaged one of the attackers, firing 4 times, from 60 yards. He did not hit the attacker who returned fire. Outgunned, the Police officer retreated to inside the school. The attackers completed their massacre and then committed suicide. So, it would appear that all an armed guard at school does is make the NRA and naive parents feel better. In Arizona, the Attorney General (a nitwit) proposes training and arming one member of the school staff, keeping the weapon in a secured location...another dumb idea.
  23. I'll have to agree with Basement (must be something with Buckeyes). I think I'll be a little less inclined to entertain the wife's thoughts on camping that before knowing that most of the other campers in the area are packing for no real reason.
  24. You know, until this thread, I never even considered the notion of one of the adults (or worse, a Scout) carrying a firearm on a Troup function. I guess I'll get less sleep than I used to.
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