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tween the Bays
Bob58's Achievements

Senior Member (3/3)
So I finished reading the e-mail from a Star Scout Mom that started "**** has completed his six months of service its time to arrange for a Board of Review...." Third, she copied the whole troop, second, if I'm not mistaken there is the question of a Scoutmasters Conference, and FIRST... why isn't her son making this request! He is the Senior Patrol Leader, is suposed to set the weekly agenda and does routinely ask if anyone needs a SM confernce or BoR. Mom insists loudly & often that "**** will be an Eagle like @@@@@@." (A much older & self-motivated family friend (?) who is now teaching after earning his Eagle and a BA & MA from Ivy league schools.) I'm in favor of buying an extra pin giving it to the mom for the mom & letting the son... Sorry, Any advice...
And of course each boy would meet any or all of Sepmer's listed requirements individually.... I agree that sometimes things just need to be done for the experience. At other times simply because we do community service , not to check off another 2 hrs. of service. One must try to find joy in the jouney for we don't always reach the planned destination. -me Bob
From the great northeast... do Scouts cleaning windshields deprive creative panhandlers of money earning opportunities? Several years ago a local troop donned their "official" unit ball caps, scout related tee shirts and troop aprons (originally purchased for pancake breakfasts!) to squeegee the windshield of every car parked in the church parking lot on Sunday morning. (For safety Scouts were not allowed to approach vehicles until after the service had begun.) The fundraiser was announced the week before & on the actual day. Leaders reported that it had been pretty successful, it wasn't my unit so I can't really speak to that, but I don't see real value here -- it sounds more like an "invitation to donate." I discounted it during a Roundtable & suggested that a genuine Car Wash would be better. I took the stand that the winshield washing would make a great freebie to increase visibility with the Charter Organization & surrounding community. Eamonn, "Bob was a shilling or 12 pennies.Which became 5 pence when we changed to decimal currency, now about 9 cents." What do I tell my Uncle -- or was someone mistaken when they informed me that... "Bob's your uncle!" I'd have to check the exchange rate but my uncle Bob was always more that a "bob" - he was a real gem. Sorry, of course my Uncle was a "Bob!" Bob(This message has been edited by Bob58)
From the Good News Bad News department... this one that hit USA Today. Three local troops have had trailers stolen in the last 4 - 6 weeks. Two have been found - empty. The story of the first is detailed at http://www.delawareonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050712/NEWS01/507120365 not sure if the link will work but searching delawareonline.com for "troop 274" will do the trick. ("troop 414" might just turn up the most recent tale.) This could put a new twist on the "to trailer or not to trailer" debate. -Bob
By Jove! Before you know it we'll be swatting all gadflies and serving hemolock to those with whom we disagree. Bob
Not quite sure where God lives, or why he would have a particular area set aside as God's country. My old catechism tells me God is everywhere so maybe he's walking quietly w/ the old gent down by the creek, although I thgought I saw him this morning gathering wood for the bonfire on the beach later tonight! I'm smiling as I remember a popular bumper sticker in these parts a few years back that announced "There is no life west of the Chesapeake Bay." Yeah, I wonder what God thought of that one. Bob
Checking for the source now but I've always liked the idea that "A leader is one step in front of the people he's following." Said w/ a smile.... This works well in small groups where as the physicians used to say they will 'do no harm." There are times at which the leader cannot be merely the voice/face of the crowd. Not spinning off ... "tyranny ofy the majority" that will have to be another day. Live today well, Bob
ScoutNut, Thanks for mentioning one of the most useful resources... Program Helps. At the beginning of the year we provide each den with 2 copies and ask them to sit down & divide the year among the parents. (For the last 5 yrs. we've had an exp. Tiger Leader (DL or Coach) who stayed w/ the new parents as DL. By December we've had a new parent coordinating most of the meetings.) Two of them continued as Wolf or Bear Leaders. We try to keep our Cubmaster busy w/ the Pack Meetings, but he has had to take over for Webelos leaders on occasion. Make sure that the parents see that they can do the job and ask them to do it at least a few times each year so that you get to choose -- selecting the right volunteers for DL's is the trick. Bob
2 quick ones.... I'll be brief because this might go to another thread... This January I helped a 17 yr old life scout transfer to a new unit because the new Scoutmaster in his old troop told him w/ his parents present that he wasn't Troop xyz Eagle material. There was no discussion of a lack of "scout Spirit" or any other explanation. Other leaders encouraged the new SM to take the stand & the young man left. The rules should be clear. There is no such thing as a unit specific advancement requirement. We're asking advancement & other district Committee chairs to review this unit w/ an eye toward intervention. The Chartered Organization is responsible for the selection of the unit leadership and ultimately responsible for implementing the program. The Chatrtering organization can / should remove or redirect a leader who is not delivering the BSA program or is not in accord w/ the chartering organizaton's own programs or policies. A well trained & dedicated Scoutmaster should be able to recognize the split (divergence of interests) & move on or at least relinquish such a visible role in that particular unit without undermining the BSA program or the chartering organizations operation. Rules re each of these cases are pretty clear. So why do other leaders and profesionals turn a blind eye when they become aware of such problems? Bob(This message has been edited by Bob58)
Just had our last pre race meeting & things look good! I've become aware of several other Scout runs & hope forum members will post re their readers experiences. I was tempted to note from California to New Jersey, but that wouldn't be a 5k! or at least a different one perhaps 5k Km depending on the route! We have over 150 runners registered and if we top 200 on race day we will have the largest 5k in the state that is run by volunteers. Not a big deal really until you consider some of the "big dogs" (American Cancer Soc., MS, MDA, Spec. Oly) have professionals who do nothing but promotion and fundraising. I'm very proud of our district leaders and the job they've done. Please take a look at the web sight (now or late next week for this years updated pics & info). I think that one of our best ideas is the food bank donation for the kids Fun Run -- the young ones get runners bibs & ribbons & the food bank get help & publicity. Wish us well as we step out on Saturday morning! Bob
gift etiquette for Eagle ceremony attendance
Bob58 replied to tonkamom's topic in Open Discussion - Program
I'm known as a mug collector so that's been my siganature gift since I became a leader. Those available through the Scout shop usually do the job -- though not always an Eagle mug. I've been known to slip a 10 spot into it when I know that the young man will have a hard time meeting educational (or other) expenses. Some of our form members might not know that BSA produces an "Eagle catalog" w/ everything needed (?) to celebrate a young mans achievement. Bob -
Hi, Only 9 days to the 5k! Do you know anyon who is participating? Race director Primus Popitti tells me that we've topped 150 runners -- that's relatively small compared to the MS or American Cancer Society events but we're growing. If you know a runner in Delaware or nearby Maryland, Pennsylvania or New Jersey please fwd the web link. www.boyscout5k.org Thanks, Bob
flashback to the late 60's or early 70's when Boy's Life's PeeWee Harris was asked to do the publicity for his local district or dinner.... PeeWee's caption for a group photo of routund adult scouters.... "Scouting rounds a guy out!" g'night! Bob
Female leader question! PHILMONT
Bob58 replied to venturecrew125's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Definitely get Philmoint's input, but your refernce to "troop tour" raises a question in my mind. Is this a Crew trek or a Troop trek on which you would be a guest? I'm hoping that its a Crew trip and there aren't any in house politiucs to deal with. I've only been to Philmont for training and haven't been able to get my committee to even put a trek on our wish list. Go For it. Bob -
Hi, It appears that a number of people checked the thread... did anyone visit the web site? ...make plans to attend? Bob