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Everything posted by wannalancit

  1. My son just crossed over into Boy scouts and we are going to attend a formal scouting event (banquet). Is it appropriate for him to wear the two religious awards he earned in cub scouts on his boy scout uniform? Thanks for your input, Doug
  2. Things may have changed but when I received my first sash many a year ago it was not only placed over my shoulder but instruction was given during the ceremony as to how to wear it properly. The best way to rectify this problem is at the Lodge level. If the Lodge leadership feels this is an issue the Lodges can easily send out a message in there news letter educating (or reeducating), there membership on the proper wear of there sash. If the lodge does not see this as a big issue there is nothing you can do about it.
  3. Parent pins and mentor pins. If wearing it on your uniform makes you feel good please continue to do so. I challenge all that do this to take it one step further. In addition to your uniform wear it on your civilian cloths. Wear them on your blazers, shirt collars, blouses, ties, sweaters, and hats. Wear them to work and Church. Wear them to town and PTA meetings. Wear them when you go to vote. It is more important for us to show people outside of scouting how proud we are of our sons accomplishments (or our own accomplishment with the mentor pin), then it is showing people inside of scouting (they already know).
  4. So my son is a couple months away from crossing over into Boy Scouts. Soon he will be investing in a new uniform. The question is which one? If you go on scoutstuff.org you can get the Centennial Supplex Nylon Shirt. Or you can get the Centennial Cotton Rich Poplin Shirt. Or you can get the Polyester Microfiber Shirt. For pants there is the Centennial Canvas Convertible Pants, or the Centennial Switchbacks Uniform Pants, or the Polyester Microfiber Switchbacks. Looking for opinions on how well they hold up in real life. Thanks
  5. I have had similar issues with this award as well. During the Scouting Centennial my Council pushed the James West award harder then usual. This means they sent a letter around looking for 100 James West awards for the 100th anniversary (they sweetened the pot by adding a limited addition patch). So for some reason I gave this more thought then usual. It would be nice to do something special for the 100th anniversary. Being that it is a gift to the endowment fund this is something that my son (and myself), will be benefiting from for years to come. Also I was employed and making good money so I was willing to give something back to the community. What I struggled with was I could not bring myself to give it to myself. This is not a slam against people who buy the award and proudly wear that patch on their shirt. It just is not me. Then it dawned on me that I could give it to someone else (I have seen this done several times with my Lodge). I then came up with a list of people I would like to recognize who have been an important part in my scouting life. I quickly took my son off the list (I didnt think a tiger cub would appreciate or understand the award). The person who bubbled to the top was a good friend of mine who served on camp staff with me and was stepping down as Chapter Advisor that year (a nice thank you present). I got permission from the Lodge advisor to present the award at one of our Ordeal weekends (during my talk I did not mention who paid for it). Every year sense the first presentation I have given out one to a special person in my scouting life in a similar fashion. Assuming my financial situation does not deteriorate I look forward to doing this every year. I especially look forward to next year when I present one to my Packs Cubmaster when my son bridges over to Boy Scouts.
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