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Bob White

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Everything posted by Bob White

  1. Laurie, "While in uniform" it would be inappropriate for a scout or scouter to show support for or distribute literature in support of a specific party or candidate. However if you wanted to distribute material urging people to get out and vote, or material informing people of where their polling place is that would be fine. Another option is to urge scouts to learn about the issue and volunteer to help in a campaign, as long as they do it "out of uniform" that if fine as well. Bob White
  2. Craneface, What you are doing is fishing for rumors and inendo in order to discrdit the BSA and or others. It is being done in an unreliable and irresponsible method. I hope you will abandon this personal mission of vengence that it appears to be. Bob White(This message has been edited by Bob White)
  3. An agenda is a tool of leadership. The agenda is a written plan. A plan not witten down is just a wish, and wishing for something to happen is not leadership. Ed, In my son's troop all the gear is in one vehicle. When the troop arrives at its destination the two troop Quartermasters control the dispersal of equipment. Each patrol sends the quartermaster and another patrol member to draw equipment from the QM, it goes into an equipment line for that patrol, and then the patrol comes and transports the equipment to the patrol site. Planning is a tool of leadership. Bob White PS My Patrol? Let's see the bill of sale. "My Patrol" is a phrase boys develop when they hear the Scoutmaster say "MY Troop". It is not the Scoutmasters troop! It is the troop the Scoutmaster serves. It is the Patrol the patrol leader serves during his term of office. Better leadership comes from an understaning that the leader is not the owner but the the head servant of the needs of the group.(This message has been edited by Bob White)
  4. But if the PLC is taught by the Scoutmaster how to plan an agenda the situation on the campout becomes very different. It is no longer about telling people what to do. It is simply asking how the agenda is coming. SM- Good night SPL, by the way, what time did the PLC agree to get started in the morning? SPL- 7:30 am SM- Tats great, then they should be ready for the hike by about when? SPL- We planned on 9:00 AM SM-That sounds fine, please let me know when the patrols are all up and moving. SPL- Sure thing.My ASPL and I are waking the patrol leaders at 7:15. SM- Thats a good plan, Sounds like you've got it all under control. good night. In the morning the SPL makes sure the PLS are awake. Then it is the PL's responsibility to see the patrol is ready on time. How? Be having a duty roster and asking his patrol how they are doing in following it. PL- Ok guys if we want to make that hike we need to get moving. Who are the fire buiders for breakfast. Todd- Gary and me SPL- OK, do you know what the cooks will need. Todd- not really I guess we ought to ask them. SPL- I think thats a good plan. I see it jim and joe, want to some with me to talk with them. Todd- OK SPL- Jim do you and joe have any questions about the breakfast menu Jim- I don't think so, Joe and I did the shopping so we know what wwe have. SPL- great, we had planned to go hiking at 9 don't forget. Ant problem being ready by then. Jim- shouldn't be if you can get Fred to do the dishes on time. SPL- Fred! you up yet? Fred- Yeah But I'm not feelin so good. SPL- What's the matter? Fred- I got a stomach ache and my head hurts. SPL- What did you want to do? Fred- I don't feel much like eating that's for sure. SPL- Well Don't worry about the dishes, If you are sick that's not a job you should be doing. This works out fine since Tracey was helping, I can work with him on his camp sanitiation skills at the same time. Go see Mr. SM and let him know what's up. You can trade me for the dinner dishes if you are feeling better by then. Come back and let me know what you and Mr. SM decide to do. Don't forget guys, when do we need to be done? Patrol- (sleepily) BY 9 AM SPL- Ok then everyone has a job to do, let's get started. Notice the difference here to "lets unload the truck"? Everyone has a specific task, everyone knows the goal. The PL handles the questions BEFORE the job even starts and they follow a predetermined plan. And Nobody bossed anyone around! When there was a job that needed to be filled, the assigned scout didn't get to avoid his responsibility to the patrol, his work was simply switched to another meal. Rather than take time to negotiate with another person the leader made the exchange within his own work schedule. He used, delegation, coaching, and supportive leadership
  5. Ok Guys unload the truck is too general by blanchards definition to be Dirstive leadership. Direction involves specific instruction. General statements with no actual information or sharing of specific authority is not a leadership style it is lack of leadership. The is no support ofered, no information shared, no device for developiing the group or individual. It is a void of leadership. This is not a topic that has room for personal definitions. The BSA has adopted Blanchards leadership techniques and incorporated them into the BSA training programs. Blanchard and the BSA have determined their definitions. We can use of this information or misuse it, but it is not something we can change the meaniing of. Bob White
  6. Or to simplify it a little, here is what Blanchard writes in Leadership and the One Minute Minute Manager Directing The Leader provides specific instructions and closely supervises task accomplishment. When the Scoutmaster tells the SPL to start the meeeting and then stands by to see he does it that is "directing". Directing has no sharing of leadership or trust. The scoutmaster could have handled this situation through coaching, supporting or delegating, depending on the competence and experience of the SPL. Are there opportunities when "directing" is the most appropriate? Absolutely. I have given the lifeguard example in the past but there are others as well. When the Chaplains Aide says "lets bow our head for grace" that is directing. The important thing for Scoutmasters especially to remember is that it is only one method of leadership and it is the only one that does not share the leadership duties with anyone else. A troop will never be boy lead if the SM uses "directing" as the most common style of leadership. Bob White(This message has been edited by Bob White)
  7. My Wood Badge patrol affiliation. Bob White
  8. Brotherhood member Wenasa Quenhotan Lodge #23
  9. Actually the Scouter's Training Award is available in some Disrtict positions as well. BW
  10. There is no national requirement to be registered in order to deliver YP training. That does not mean that your council could not require it. If your local district or council follow the by-laws you will need to be appoved as a member-at-large by a vote of the committee. This normally takes place once a year during the District or Council recharter process. when the entire list of member-at-large nominees are vote on all at once. Check with your local district professional for the process in your area. Bob White
  11. Sure Buffalo2, The new WELOT (Webelos Leader Outdoor Training) syllabus is just now being distributed. It is a one day (or I understand can be an overnighter) that is designed to be done at the same time that IOLS (Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skill) with some of the instruction shared with both groups (such as the skills round robin). Info that is program specific such as the Webelos skillaward requirements would be held in separate breakout sessions. I think this is a great way to go. Not only is it more efficient bu will help introduce troop Leaders and webelos Leaders to each other. Hope this answers your question. B:)b White
  12. Thats one of the courses involved in the deal. You will be able to take the instructors course or the learners course for $5 plus the cost of the bookbook (which is almost the size of the BSA Field Book). They expext the BSA to be the largest client for this course. I only saw the book for a few moments but there was alot of info that seemed straight from the First Class requirements. perhaps someone on the forum has taken the course and can tell us more. Bob White
  13. Part of the cooperative agreement is that each program will make the modifications needed to meet the comparable certification in the other program according to the ARC Edcuation Directors we met with. Bob White
  14. LauraT7 At least half of #1 and all of #2. I am not sure if it would automay=tically giove you Safety Afloat. I will ask. Bob
  15. Tamegonit, Welcome, It wouldn't be a scouting forum without scouts. B:)b White
  16. I have recieved an e-mail suggesting that the requirement for the COR to be a member of the CO is something I invented. Actually you can find that in the Cub Leader Handbook, The Troop Committee Guide Book, The brochure Reponsibilities of the Charter Organization Representative and in the Council By-Laws because the COR is a voting member of the District they must be a member of the organization they represent. B:)b White(This message has been edited by Bob White)
  17. The example Kris set would be of supporting. It does not meet the style criteria for coaching since the the SPL did not have a demonstration segment or work hands on to train the scout at any time. However, the leadership styles also need to follow the patrol memthod. Bypassing the leadership structure of the patrol is not going to create teamwork or develop the leadership skills of the PL. Since half of the responsibility of leadership is to 'keep the group together' being respectfull of the othe members of the leadership council and staying within your area of responsibility is half the job of the leader. I think Kris sees this and will have a patrol method based solution iin his next post. Bob White
  18. An Individual must be approved by the Council Scout Executive to deliver the YP Training. Most Councils hold a special training to prepare theYP presenters in training materials and in the local laws and procedures that vary by council. BW(This message has been edited by Bob White)
  19. You aare getting very close Kris. I really appresiate the change in tone your SPl has taken on. The only hurdle left is Patrol Leadership. Where is it? Why is the SPL doing all the leading that is not his job. Try working in the patrol method. (Hint: Troop cooking is not a scouting method) I can't wait to see your next post...Good job. B:)b White
  20. You are getting very close Kris. I really appreciate the change in tone your SPl has taken on. The only hurdle left is Patrol Leadership. Where is it? Why is the SPL doing all the leading that is not his job. Try working in the patrol method. (Hint: Troop cooking is not a scouting method) I can't wait to see your next post...Good job. B:)b White (This message has been edited by Bob White)
  21. "What is the differnce between: BALOO - Cub Scouts Outdoor Leader Essentials - BOy Scouts Intro to Outdoor Skills - BOy Scouts ? " As far as the national program goes.. there is no such course as Outdoor Leader Essentials. If in fact your district or council is offering one they may have taken the liberty to rename Introduction to Outdoor Skills. Which is not a problem. Or did you mean New Leader Essentials? Introduction to Outdoor Skills is the last step in Scoutmaster or Asst. SM basic training. It provides you the skills and knowledge to do and teach all the outdoor skill requirements leading to the First Class rank. BALLOO is a course designed to certify Cub Scout packs to host and participate in Family Camping. It is unrelated to any Scoutmaster training. Webelos Leader Outdoor Training (a new syllabus has just been released) Teaches Webelos Leaders to do Den Camping with their Webelos and to complete the requirements for the outdoor oriented Webelos Skill Awards. It is designed to be held in tandem with Introduction to Outdoor Skills. Okpik- is Winter survival skill traininig. "What I am taking away from this forum is that with the essential three (fast start, leader specific, and intro to outdoor) I am trained? " Nope, close but not quite. For Scoutmasters and Asst. SM you need New Leader Essentials, Scoutmaster Job Specific Training, and Introduction to Outdoor Skills, to complete your basic training. Hope this Helps B:)b White
  22. The COR (Charter Organization Representative) is required to me a member of the Charter organization selected and approved by the IH (Institutional Head) of the CO (Chareter Organization). They are also required to become a registered member of the BSA. the role of the COR is to be the communication representative between the CO and its scout units and between the CO and the District Committee. Since this person represents the CO there is only one COR per CO. There can be no more and no less. You could help your IH by identifying possible CORs from among your parents. But the final decision is with the IH. You can find the specific responsibilities of the COR in the Troop Committee Guidebook Hope this helps, B:)b White
  23. An interesting array of comments foto however none of them fit the criteria of the Leadership styles of scouting as taught by the BSA. The question is using that criteria what would be the best style to use where the SPL would not have to tell the patrol what to do? Remember all this is based on the troop using the scouting methods. In the BSA program the SPL does not run the patrols, the patrol leaders do. The role of the SPL is to act as the team leader of the patrol leaders. Just as the least desirable way for a PL to lead his patrol is by "Directing" so is it the least desirable way for the SPL to lead the PLs. So in the case introduced by Acco40, which of the prescribed styles of leadership other than 'directing" would 'get the job done' and 'keep the group together'? Bob White
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