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Bob White

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Everything posted by Bob White

  1. AdvanceOn, Sounds like you are handling things just right. BW
  2. You will have to explain to me what a "District officer in charge of troop operations" is. I have never heard of such a thing. What is the actual title and responsibilities. Bob White
  3. I agree it is a wWebelos option, That doesn't seem to be the point of discussion. FOG seems to believe it is a pack option. By the way I am pretty sure that the tan shirt is an individual option and not a pack or den option according to the Cub Scout Leader Handbook and the Insignia Guide. Bob White
  4. I don't think you are looking for an exception to be made. I think you are looking for the SM to understand the needs and characteristics of a scout and to use the resources and elements of the program to help him grow. Isn't that what a good scoutmaster does? I your son ask The SM for a project he could lead to filfill his final requirement or allow him to have a board of review so that he can expalin to the committee why he is not advancing. Bob
  5. I am curious as to where either you or Mike got a quote that doesn't exist. From where did you get a six-year-old quote from Mike, and what BSA resource does Mike draw that quote from? I am sure Mike is a fine guy but he is not the authority on BSA uniforming. The BSA is, and their current materials disagrees with what you think Mike said.
  6. Et tu FOG? The fact that Ed wants me to answer a question that was never asked doesn't bother you? Why would you support such a thing? So I am wrong if I don't say something as well as when I do say something? That's incredible!
  7. "Bob, Now who's not answering questions?" Ed, This is the kind of personal attack that is so unnecessary. If you look back at the preceding posts you will see that no question was asked of me. Yet you deride me for not answering. Why do you do that Ed?
  8. So if I just leave my utensils at home and don't go through the time and planning nad expense of buying food I can get everything I need from others just by washing some dishes? COOL!
  9. Packsaddle wrote "Bob White, you stated, "The Council and District can only make training and support available the quality of the program rests in the hands of the integrity of the individual leader." I quite agree up to the point where the Council and District DO NOT "make training and support available"." I'm sorry to here that packsaddle but understand that is not a BSA program problem, that is a local volunteer responsibility and if your friends and neighbors in scouting are not doing the job then that is a shame. It certainly is not true in the District and council I serve and I would bet not a problem in most. It makes a leaders job much more self reliant but does not excuse the leader from not following the SM handbok and the Boy Scout handbook. I would go to a council executive meeting and shake some people up. Bob White
  10. "If Boy Scouts don't work with boys in groups for merit badges, how do you avoid the situation where a boy is alone with an adult merit badge counselor?" By folowing the program and having the scout bring a partner with him to meet with the counselor. That partner can be another scout, a parent, a friend, or sibling.
  11. Either Mike was misunderstood, or he was mistaken. There is no provision in the Cub program in any resource including the Cub Scout Leader Book, any Cub rank book, or the Insignia Guide, for cub scouts to wear any uniform other than the blue one, except fo adult leaders and Webelos. By the way both the Insignia Guide and The Cub Scout Leader Book say "Uniform parts should not be worn separately or with civilian clothing. The entire uniform should be worn or not at all. The pack does not have the authority to make changes to the uniform." Bob White
  12. Scouts and scouters now have one national identification number based on the Social Security number. The System will now reject a scout having simultaneous troop registrations. What will happen is the computer will treat the new registaration as a transfer and drop his membership in the first troop. Bob White
  13. It would be funny if the same "leaders" who want the scouts to be able to play laser tag didn't want them to prep food at home and make retort pouches or cook with tin foil. Bob White
  14. I never said any of the sources were authoritative in any sense. I only pointed out that the phrase "laser firearm" is used by other sources to refer to a device that fires a laser besides the G2SS. I think that the links show it is used in other arenas as well. That's all. Bob White
  15. I just look them up I don't make them up. Bob White Perisher XC Plan ... The Service has agreed to a trial of laser biathlon events for the 1999 season with a view to gauging public perception of the use the laser firearm. ... www.kcros.org.au/perisherplan.htm - 23k - Cached - Similar pages ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE 1 INTRODUCTION TO ADMINISTRATION OF ... ... The student will learn how to evaluate crime scenes, identify and collect physical evidence and, through laser firearm training, learn officer safety ... www.lacitycollege.edu/academic/ departments/law/ajcourses.html - 7k - Cached - Similar pages Mesa Legend - ARCHIVES - Vol. 38, Issue 11 ... 11. On both days, come and test your aim with a laser firearm simulating a crime scene in progress, (reservations required). On ... www.mc.maricopa.edu/other/legend/ARCHIVES/ vol38issue11/uptodate.htm - 12k - Cached - Similar pages Kay Arr's FRUA Page ... Autocharge Laser (Firearm w/ built-in ammo) - Sling Pistol, Assault Rifle, Submachine Gun, Chaingun (Require Bullets) - Short/Long/Comp.Short/Comp.Long Bows ... www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Castle/8996/frua.html - 17k - Cached - Similar pages The Collegian ... For those interested in more interactive activities, there are indoor laser firearm and archery training simulators, not to mention an auditorium for school ... www.hillsdale.edu/collegian/articles/ october/nugent.html - 8k - Cached - Similar pages
  16. Interestingly enough the term "laser firearm" seems, according to a basic internet search, to be a fairly common phrase in law enforcement, military weaponry research, video games and entertainment. So I do not understand why it not acceptable in the G2SS? Bob White
  17. If you write G2SS in lawyer-speak only lawyers would be able to understand it, and the same info would take an additional 1200 pages.(This message has been edited by Bob White)
  18. sorry dual post.(This message has been edited by Bob White)
  19. foil cooking has been in the scouting program for decades hasn't it? I know alot of serious backpackers that vacuum seal their own meals to, pack food more efficiently, reduce the need to pack addition cook gear, and to ease cleanup. I see nothing wrong with that, do you? Bob White
  20. Just to clarify, I never meant that you should cancel awards, only rearrange where they get presented. The awards should always be done on a timely basis and always in a meaningful way. Bob White
  21. Carbon Tet is an extremely toxic chemical strongly believed to be a powerful carcinogen that up until the fairly recent past was used in fire extinguishers. Carbon Tet is now a controled chemical and is no longer approved in extinguishers. If you have a container with carbon tet it needs to be treated as a hazardous material, contact you local fire department for information on disposal. It was singled out in the G2SS in the section on fire extinguishers because there may still be persons owning this type, other chemicals such as chloroform were not mentioned since they are unrelated to the topic.
  22. The best rule of thumb is to keep any cub scout activity limited to 5 to 15 minutes because that is the attention span of a cub. As a Cubmaster of a pack of 96 cubs in 14 dens which awards were presented at the pack meeting depended on how many awards were being presented that night. If we had more than we could do in 15 minutes we had the dens do some at the den meetings. There is a great resource called Ceremonies for Den and Pack Meetings that we used to make sure the presentations were fun and meaningful. As far as what other activities to do at pack meetings I recommend you follow the agenda and activities found in Program Highlights magazine. They are well organized, easy to follow and filled with great ideas to get a pack back on track. Good Luck Bob White
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