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Bob White

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Everything posted by Bob White

  1. OOPS my Bad! When the new forms came out our registrar informed us the SS # were needed for identification. I will go back and verify. Thanks DS. Bob White
  2. I am pretty sure that NJ is correct, the brimless envelope style hat was called the "overseas hat". BW(This message has been edited by Bob White)
  3. "Why cant the name, phone, address be cross-referenced for dual registration checks?" Because names are not individually unique, phone numbers change, people move. A unique identifer needed to be established and the most available and common is the SS#. It is not an unusual practice. Bob White
  4. The Scout unit is no different than the youth choir at the church. If the choir raises a bunch of money it is still the churches money as the choir is a function and organization of the church. The Charter organization owns the unit. It is their youth outreach program. The unit is administered by adults selected and approved by the CO. is it your suggestion that the CO has claim to everything accept the money? Bob White
  5. What request did you make of me?
  6. FOG It took me some time to find the original link I used. Please not that in the description it attributes the information to boyhe Bill Nelson and Mike Walton. To find this i did an advanced Google search of "with all the words "Mike Walton"" and "Woth the exact phrase "rec scouting usa"" The second link yielded was [rec.scouting.*] Newsgroups Help and Frequently Asked Questions ( ... ... From: Bill Nelson and Mike Walton (blackeagle@hcc-uky.campus.mci.net) Date: 5 May ... If you only want USA respondents, post it to rec.scouting.usa; if you only ... www.cs.uu.nl/wais/html/na-dir/scouting/newsgroups.html - 18k - Sep 21, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages So I guess it is your turn now. Where did I say previous Boy Scout Handbooks were evil and dangerous? Bob White
  7. LauraT7, By "award" I mean any recognition due the scout. In order to avoid loss and to help with sewing, we position the award on the uniform with a safety pin when we present it. That way the scout is wearing it from the moment he receives it. Hope this helps, Bob White PS Leeson learned, never post in the wee hours of the morning when you are having trouble sleeping:).
  8. "You really are amusing, according to you old books are evil and dangerous except when you say that they aren't." I invite you to show one iota of evidence to validate that comment. Bob White
  9. LauraT7, By "award" I mean any receogmition due the scout. In order to avoid los and to help with sewing we position the award on the uniform with a safety pin when we present it. that way the scout is wearing it from the moment he receives it. Hope this helps, Bob White
  10. We have a letter of welcome from the Scoutmaster, the Committee chair and the Charter Organization head. A roster of the troop and committee, a troop calendar, an application form, and the latest troop Newsletter. Everything else is communicated in the monthly newsletters, by e-mail, or personal contact as the situation warrants. Never needed a troop handbook for parents other than the Boy Scout Handbook. Bob White
  11. No, the CO has the responsibility to be a thoughtfull caretaker of the finances. To make sure that the unit is functioning properly and that it's assets are used responsibly for the scouts in the unit. Bob White(This message has been edited by Bob White)
  12. Hot desk, Could you list the table of contents of your current book for us? it is difficult to tellyou what to add or subtract until we know what we are adding to or subtracting from. BW
  13. Clarification on the posts regarding who the money belongs to. DSteele and I have spoken on the phone and he will be posting sometime after me to confirm this. The money is the possesion and control of the Charter organization until a point in time when the unit is no longer chartered. Once the unit charter has expired the BSA and the CO determine how to use the money to benefit youth. either through a youth program of the CO's or through the use of the BSA. Bob White
  14. "Funny how the uniform is one of the eight methods of Scouting but nowhere is having a uniform a requirement to be a member of the BSA! Funny!" If you thought that was funny then you'll think this is histerical. None of the methods of scouting are required for membership. They are tools for achieving the aims and mission of scouting, not requirements for joining or belonging.
  15. Wearing the uniform is one of the eight methods of scouting, what that uniform consists of has changed over the years, but all uniforms that have been approved by the Executive Board and have appeared in the handbooks are official BSA uniforms.
  16. I would agree NW. I erred on the local for that. However all three councils wher I have been an adult volunteer have not required local tour permits for the council camps. We did however have to fill out a council camp use form which had basically all the same info plus the camp fees. I expect that those were taken accepted in place of the Tour permit. Again my error. Bob White
  17. I will try to find the link again it took a while to hunt down the first time. But I will be happy to dig again for you. By the way I wrote Mike and asked him to provide his source material for his comment. I will let you know his response. I have no idea where you feel I read between the lines. What do you think the clause is saying, amd what part of it do you think makes the historic uniform no longer official? Bob White (This message has been edited by Bob White)
  18. Avast matey, I appreciate that you look at it as only a guide however the BSA does not. Only the text in regular type is a guide. All text in bold face type are BSA policies and rules and must be followed in order to avoid loss of membership and possible legal action. It says... BSA Rules and Policies Bold type throughout the Guide to Safe Scouting denotes BSA rules and policies. Them's the rules of the ship swabby. Don't get yer self keelhauled for thinkin they be somethin differnt. Happy Talk like a Pirate Day! Cpt. Bob "Flotsam" White
  19. The link I followed had Mike's name on it. Either way the site says is not for use as official information ,which is exactly what you have done. It directs you to Official BSA publications. I said you will find the current program in the current handbooks. That being the case you will also find the current uniform in the current handbook. The clause I quoted from the current insignia guide states that once a uniform piece is approved by the executive board and published it is an official uniform. It may not be current but it is still official. I rely don't understand why you attack when I am just posting what's in the BSA publications? I really cannot understand your attitude. Bob White (This message has been edited by Bob White)
  20. Eaglefoot, If the purpose was to lessen paperwork then why did they have you fill it out? Tour permits are not required for traveling to or from local council properties. It says so in the opening paragraph of the form. Just curious Bob White
  21. Iterestingly here is what is said my Mike at rec.scouting.usa... " The content of this newsgroup is NOT to be accepted as "official information" coming from American Scouting organizations, as such information comes normally through their national offices through regional groups to local organizations for distribution to units and members" So even Mike says to go by the official BSA resources. I agree with him. Bob White
  22. That is basically the system that has been used in any unit I have been associated with. BW
  23. In that case he may be a member of the District or Council finance committee who have the responsibility to review and approve unit fundraising events. They have no authority over unit funds or how they are handled. The money belongs to the Chartering organization and it is intrusted to the troop committee to manage. The District has no say unless you do something illegal. Tell the gentleman he has no authority in this matter and if need you will report his threats to the District Chairman or the Scout Execuitive. Bob White
  24. Page one of the Insignia Guide Book, heading; Official Uniforms, Clause 2, explains that the official uniform "Shall be those appoved by the action of the Executive Board of the BSA from time to time, as illustrated and correctly described in the handbooks, catalogs and other official publications of the BSA." So any uniform approved at one time by the executive board and described in BSA literature is an official uniform. Any scout can wear the official uniform of the program he is in, nothing says it must be current. The only diffence is that the historic uniforms are no longer in production but they still meet the qualifications for official. So again this is not scouting according to Bob, or scouting according to Mike, or even scouting according to FOG. It is scouting according to the Boy Scouts of America. If you have any further difficulty understanding the program or its elements please feel free to post a question. There are numerous knowledgable scouts and scouters on this forum who will be happy to assist you. Thanks for your question, Bob White
  25. I'm confused, how could he be registered by his neighbor? It takes the parent's signature and the Cubmaster's? Wasn't his parents told by the Cubmaster what den he was in and when they met? BW(This message has been edited by Bob White)
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