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Everything posted by WAKWIB

  1. What next, a reality shows of polygamy? Folks in these threads on homosexuality often cite examples of same-sex couplings in other species. It seems to me that "polygamy" of sorts is more the norm. One male mating with multiple females occurs in the mammal world quite a bit. Maybe that's the normal and natural approach for us mammals as well.
  2. I've been thinking that the ones who stand to gain the most from gay marriages would be the divorce lawyers. If the rate of divorce among gays is even half of what it is for hetros the market for their services would increase significantly.
  3. I rationalize my decades of contributions to the system by balancing it against what my mother received. That's how I roll with it.
  4. Kudu's either smiling or he had a heart attack and fell out of his chair. If the latter, I hope he was using the buddy system when he read this thread.
  5. I totally understand everything that has been said by Pack and SA...well, the part about our gov't being bankrupt anyway. Apparently the current administration does not. Rolling out a gigantic health-care bureaucratic complex doesn't sound like sacrifice and belt-tightening to me. I guess it's just the new flavor of the day, like Social Security was in the '30s.
  6. You mentioned that these adults have refused training. Do they even have current Youth Protection Training from within the last two years? If not, they cannot be on your charter roster or anyone else's. That's the law from National. Ask them to present their YP certificate the next time you see them. If they don't have it,or if it is over 2 yrs old show them the door (so to speak). And coming soon to a council near you, they will have to have position specific training to be on the roster as well. You show a location of Kansas. If you are in the Heart of America Council, that time is now. We are one of the beta sites for all the new training mandates. The YP certification is universal for all volunteers regardless of position in the organization everywhere. I do wonder a bit about all the fuss they cause, both the adults and their sons, when their attendance appears to be slim-to-none. But according to your description it appears to be enough of one to cause a cascading wave of crap among the other adults. As noted by TwoCub, your COR is your decision maker in this. Make him aware of the training deficit these adults might have.
  7. Every thing posted so far fits my memory banks pretty well. When I joined Boy Scouts in 1971 we had the red and white strips. I saw my first CSP around 1974 after our council and another merged. Back in those days, changes came about a bit more slowly. If a policy change occurred at national it could sometimes take several years to play out all over the country.
  8. And why is ANYONE discussing how a faith administers their own award, which is NOT a BSA award, but is only "approved" for wear on the uniform? I think that is the right view of it. It doesn't necessarily need to conform to someones vision of 'scout spirit.' I'm pretty sure that in our district the protestant awards program is open to all youth, not just Scouts. John-in-KC can confirm or deny that claim.
  9. I'm not as blind as I come off. Just try to simplify things. I don't think that folks who have paid into the system are immoral for taking it out when the time has come. It was, to a point, loaned to the government. The government is the one who needs to pay the piper. I wonder if the liberal icon FDR thought this through when SS was developed. I'm not drawing from it yet. Frankly, I have my doubts I'll live long enough to draw much anyway. But it was money I earned, and money I expect back for my wife and children. That's the moral thing to do. Where does the money come from? Cut useless spending in the gov't. would be an area to investigate. Not everything the gov't spends money has value.
  10. SA- So essentially you just said that SS, and I guess we should throw Medicare into that, pay for themselves....and a wad of other things. So then to eliminate those "taxes" (SS and Med. withholding from paychecks) eliminates a constant revenue stream to Uncle Sam. Which I suppose then get replaced with some other TAX like a higher income tax to which we get no real-dollar return on investment. I'm no economist, but if I put money in a envelope to pay for one thing, I shouldn't be dipping into it to pay for something else, and than go rob someone to replace the money in the envelope.
  11. camilam42 Thank you for your input. You may be one of the better writers this forum has seen in awhile in both substance and delivery. You actually articulated a description of policy better than the professional staff in Texas could probably do.
  12. So...we get rid of Social Security tomorrow. Yeah, maybe it was a dumb idea from the get-go. But, where does the money I've put into it for the last 35 years go. Up in smoke? I might be inclined to consider that theft. Sure I willingly gave it to Uncle Sam. But it was given under something of a contractual basis. So maybe if Social Security just "went away" and people lost thousands of dollars, instead of waving tea-bags folks might be waving guns. Honestly we haven't had a honest to goodness revolution in North America in a while. My son once piped up that the reason socialist ideals work well in France is because the government actually listens to the people. And the reason they listen so well is that because they remember the Revolution. Something about all those guillotines and stuff left an impression.
  13. The purpose of SS is not for moochers to be able to keep the economy churning along. Who are the moochers? Is it the people who pay into the fund out of every paycheck they get? Or maybe it's the university professor who gets a government grant to study the life and times of a lesbian lizard?
  14. I don't think of it as a privacy intrusion. Just seems sort of redundant. We have plenty to document our existence. Birth Certs. SS card, drivers license, bank cards etc. etc. Would it really stem illegal immigration? I supposed it would if you had to produce one for any and all transactions. Would someone eventually figure out how to duplicate them illegally? Sure. Just don't really see where they would do much good in the long run.
  15. Old Fossils and Sexually Confused Reptiles.... ....on display daily on the forums of Scouter Dot Com!!
  16. Well, I think that he lost his ecumenical spirit when he hinted that the approach the catholic instructor was taking was like being a bit of a Pharisee.... I know, Beavah is just one of those lovable commishy types that keep right on yammerin' while you show him the door.
  17. perverse monkey sex The memory is dim, but I think that was the working title for an "inappropriate campfire skit" that I was a part of back in the 70's.
  18. A couple weeks ago he's telling the Mormans how to do it right. And now he's a pesterin' da catholics. Sometimes methinks Commish Beavah doth advise over-much.
  19. pack: I have absolutely no clue of the event you are describing. Please share.
  20. "Racist" is such a handy term to toss around. It always gets flung as the weapon of last resort. It's so easy to pack, and stinky, and it sticks well on your enemy. The only problem when you fling poop is that nasty residue it leaves on your hands. There are folks out there that could conjure up a lot of "evidence" (maybe real, maybe imagined, maybe both) that the BSA is a racist organization. And so brothers, the same poo you threw, can come right back on you.
  21. "No, I don't think all Tea Partiers are racist. But, I do think it has roots in racism and I'm afraid no one, especially the Tea Party folks themselves, pundits on Fox News or any other right wing talking head, will be able to give me any statistics, talking points, a nice picture of a couple of blacks or Hispanics attending a rally, numbers of signs or lack thereof, or anything else to convince me otherwise." Wow...talk about being stuck with racism on the brain. If you want to find that racist boogy-man you can. Just say it's there and POOF there it is.
  22. So when white middle-class Americans (who are decidedly not with the Democratic Party) become politically energized and active...well, only one reason for that. Racism. You guys are absolutely amazing.
  23. "Yet I've never heard one bit of protest by the atheists over the AA program." Well, maybe they just haven't got around to it yet. In AA, the Higher Power is intentionally vague, and is defined by the member, so to speak. While I can't speak from an atheistic perspective, I think that a person with that view could feel comfortable with the AA program because a Higher Power doesn't necessarily have to be some supernatural deity. It is simply something greater than oneself that empowers the alcoholic to overcome his/her addiction. One does not really "join" AA. There is no membership application. You can attend a meeting in one part of town in the morning, and a different one somewhere else that night. Maybe the only distinction would be between the "open" meeting where anyone can come, and the "closed" meeting which is exclusive to those who have taken the 1st step.
  24. Congrats on a job well done. Good luck with the new one. Based on what I can tell from your posts over the years, I think you will be an excellent Committee Chair.
  25. I would agree that the ballot box is the best place to see term-limits played out. Case-in-point: A fellow who has been a US Rep. for 34 years in a neighboring district got his rear-end handed to him Tues. He seldom had to campaign before and was regarded by folks from both parties as a fine fellow and effective rep. But the day of judgement came and came hard. Also concerning "third parties"; as I was glancing over a list of county-by-county results, what caught my attention was that Libertarian and Constitution party candidates who in the past only received 100's of votes were this time getting numbers well into the 1000's.
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