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Bob Kent

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    Atlanta, Georgia

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  1. Too many personal attacks here. 1.Joe Beasley of the Rainbow Coalition is a retired military police superintendant who works for a church. He doesn't get paid by the Rainbow Coalition. He supported a troop in a housing project because he believed in the moral values of scouting and only got involved after the situation got completely out of hand. He gave the Atlanta BSA leadership plenty of notice and time to deal with it but got stiffed - so he acted. 2. Kevin Tullis was only one of the many junior African American DE's who fabricated the numbers. He was the only one who came clean about it. Sadly, the numbers were also inflated in the white suburban areas. The system was run and enforced from the top by people who were fully informed many times about the problem. There was nothing honorable abvout it. To say that it was the fault of only the lower level grunts who had to do it to keep their jobs is not right. 3. The housing project group did not go to the Boy Scouts for money. It was the Boy Scouts who went to the housing project group way back in 1992, to use them as an example to start and raise money for Operation First Class - and they raised millions. Unfortunately, there was no accountability and the situation got out of control not only in Atlanta but in many other cities as well. Fortunately, the situation seems to be moving in the right direction in Atlanta but - let's be real -only because Joe Beasley of the Rainbow Coalition stated raising hell. This is no shakedown. Neither the Rainbow Coalition nor Mr. Beasley nor any of their buddies are getting anything out of this. This is just an old black military man standing up for the little guy who was being used. Joe Beasley is the real Boy Scout in this sad story. A Scout is Trustworthy.
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