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Everything posted by vvatc

  1. vvatc


    Hello from Sicily. I'm the Cubmaster of Pack 53 aboard Naval Air Station Sigonella and chartered to the First Class Petty Officer's Association. We just had our final Pack Meeting of a very successful year. Busy summer is planned starting in just two weeks. I've been Scouting for 3 years. My first year I was an Asst. Webelos Den Leader. I took over the Cubmaster position 2 years ago. At that time I had three leaders and 8 boys (4 Webelos, 2 Wolves and 2 Bears.) The Bear and Wolf den were combined and two Mom's ran the den. I was the Webelos Den Leader and the Cubmaster. The three of us also held all the Committee Member positions. The Pack had not been charted for over three years! Fast forward...at the beginning of this year we registered over 30 boys! This year we had 10 boys and their families attend a Camporee in Naples (10 hour drive for us). We bridged 8 Webelos to Boy Scouts (across a rope bridge they built with the Troop) during our Pack Overnight at a ceremony on Mt. Etna two weeks ago. The rest of the boys bridged tonight. We lost a few to sports and military transfers, but so far I've been very pleased. Looking forward to a bit of a break this summer, although, we do have three events planned each month (Summertime Pack Award.) Not looking forward to transferring in November to Maryland and leaving this Pack. We really have a great group of people and a very tight community of Americans down here on our little island. Enough about me...can I come in play now? Ciao, Bud Turner
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