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Everything posted by Vicki
OK, I'll say it one more time, this time for your benefit Fotoscout - I have no intention of dropping any bars, nor am I in any position to drop any bars, nor would I even if I were in a position to drop any bars. I even said in my last post that it appeared no accommodations will be required for Eagle-required merit badges. Don't know how to be any clearer. Whether accomodations are needed is up to the scoutmaster, a BOR, the scout's parents and the scout. My position in this entire operation is to inform. Vicki
Aw, shucks, thanks Barry. I took your question as an honest inquiry - guess my answer must have sounded kinda stilted. What happens when I slip into expository mode:
Barry, you're right - it would be way too much to expect a ticket item out of a years' long process of growth. The verification of completion was two-fold. First, the meeting with the parents which resulted in their understanding of the process and my understanding of their son's specific disabilities and needed accommodations (in this case as of right now, there are no accommodations needed for Eagle-required merit badges). Obviously, I had to come to an understanding of the process, who the contacts are, and research all merit badge requirements prior to this meeting. I had also talked to his parents on more than one occasion. Also had to develop my own resources. The second part was discussing what the troop might need to do to integrate this scout, what the Scoutmaster and responsible camping adults need to know (for instance, when he needs to wear a helmet). Vicki
Barry wrote "but this is probably as much a learning process for the parents as it is you." Absolutely. The reason I selected this as a ticket item was because I had talked to his mother(my younger son and this scout are in the same Webelos den) and I knew how nervous and clueless she was about the process. Sometimes, and I'm sure you'll find this hard to believe (tongue firmly in cheek), the BSA and its procedures can seem pretty monolithic! Being a little further down the line (leader in older son's troop) it seems a little less so. Once you start making phone calls/writing e-mails, doors start opening and discussion starts happening. Google is really wonderful in these situations, too. It's amazing what other councils have on their websites - especially Marin. Vicki
Whoops, typo alert - in my previous post, I typed "microencephaly". I meant "hydroencephaly". While the former is a problem in dwarfism, it's obvious at birth. The latter, water on the brain, can develop later. Vicki
Anarchist, no need to shout at me, it's not about setting the bar too low for the scout - it's about what he can do given his disability. Dwarfs aren't just "smaller people." Many dwarfs have spinal instabilities which can make some activities unsafe. I found out after talking to his parents yesterday that, while his spine is stable for now, it may be a problem in the future as he grows. We just don't know. Dwarfs can also have issues with microencephaly. None so far in this young man but, again, who knows what the future holds? What we do know is that this young man has significant weakness on his left side which makes some activities difficult. We don't know if this is going to go away. He also must wear a helmet during some activities when a normal youth wouldn't because of surgeries he's had. There are no plans to limit his activities unnecessarily. But finding out what defines necessary is imperative. Vicki
Eagle Scout badge - when does he get to wear it?
Vicki replied to isvirtual's topic in Advancement Resources
I like anarchist's approach on this one. Vicki -
Looking for Assistance with Scout's Personal Account
Vicki replied to OneHour's topic in Unit Fundraising
Eamonn said >Things in Scouting go so much better when we work hard at Communicating and don't allow a few people do all the work. > Amen, brother. Truer words were never spoken. Not just in Scouts, but in life. This, IMHO, is THE most important leadership skill. Vicki -
Looking for Assistance with Scout's Personal Account
Vicki replied to OneHour's topic in Unit Fundraising
Eamonn, you obviously know what went wrong here (or SWMBO can tell you: -
Thanks, Uncle, Semper - keep those thoughts coming! There are multiple issues with the lifesaving MB, but I do take your point, Uncle. Unless the scout is getting too discouraged, let him do whatever he can. This kid is a scrapper (and likeable), I'm looking forward to working with him. The alternative path instructions are pretty clear about the requirements for a MB not being modifiable (don't think that's a word). For example, the cross-chest carry is a specific requirement. Sounds like a question for my council person. Semper, as you point out, this is something that will take time. My initial goal (as in the ticket goal) is to inform the scout and his parents that there are multiple ways to do this, how to accomplish the goal, where the pitfalls are, and that the BSA is open to the disAbled. I read that one of the three founders (James ? - my notes aren't in front of me) was disabled. Obviously I'll be mentioning that in our first conference. Just as obviously this will be going on after I finish my ticket. So far I've found the understanding and learning part of Scouting is definitely a two-way street. Vicki
My troop is going to have a dwarf (one of two appropriate names for this condition-the other being Little Person, but this scout's parents prefer dwarf) cross over next year. Since I know this scout and his parents and am also a Boy Scout leader (he's in my younger son's den), I came up with the idea for my diversity ticket to counsel this boy, his parents and my troop as to how the BSA might accommodate this boy's disAbilities (as they are referred to in the BSA literature). Has anyone worked with a dwarf before? For example, Lifesaving would probably not be possible because he won't be able to do a cross-chest carry. Camping might not be possible because none of the four physical options look viable. I already know the technical path to get alternative merit badges worked out, who to contact at council, etc., but any input from those who've walked this path before would be helpful. Looking for some thoughts here...thanks. Vicki
Looking for Assistance with Scout's Personal Account
Vicki replied to OneHour's topic in Unit Fundraising
Well, Acco, I started out disagreeing with you on #3 but if what you're talking about is a buyout, then I have no issue with it. We allow buyouts on our pizza sales (or a minimum contribution without selling anything, depending on how you look at it). Direct monetary contributions over and above a buyout, to my and our committee's minds, is a) too hard to keep track of, b) distorts the point of having the scout accounts and c) really no point to it since the parents would just pay for it anyway. OneHour, this is going to be hard for you to do without your Treasurer's buyin. With the right spreadsheet set up, the scout account numbers really do just fall out at the end. I guess if you had two accounts set up, and your numbers figured out (profit to scout, etc.) then the treasurer would cut you a check and then you could allocate it to the scout accounts. I agree completely about having the numbers laid out before you do the fundraising. Good grief, no company in their right mind would launch a product without a pricing/cost plan! Vicki -
Looking for Assistance with Scout's Personal Account
Vicki replied to OneHour's topic in Unit Fundraising
In our troop, only money raised through fundraisers goes into the account and it only comes out for camping activity. Accounts are not allowed to "go negative". If an activity cannot be covered by the scout's account, he owes that much and his account balance is 0. If a scout leaves, any money goes into the general account. Vicki -
Looking for Assistance with Scout's Personal Account
Vicki replied to OneHour's topic in Unit Fundraising
OneHour, I volunteered and ended up the treasurer - no real surprise, since I'm an accountant (among other things). I hope to get our checkbook into Quicken at some point, but for now I just maintain an Excel "book" of three or four spreadsheets where the totals are linked back to the main spreadsheet (which is the reconciled bank account). Very simple cell formulas involved so it doesn't take a lot of "computerese". One spreadsheet is the scout accounts, one for whatever high adventure we have going and one for a budget. You can keep a lot of detail without getting fancy. As far as fundraising, we don't sell popcorn. Our pizza sales (and any other direct fundraising), 50% of the funds raised after expenses are covered go to the scout account. Don't know if this would be worth a spun-off thread, but I'd be interested in hearing how other troops handle fundraising profit splits. Vicki -
As regards NYLT - I was asked to be an ASM for one week this summer. Our first staff meeting is 2/19 so I'll know a lot more after that. What I know so far is that it's modeled on WB for the 21st Century (which I just took this fall). Should be interesting...the only concrete detail I have is no flipcharts and a lot more activities! Makes me wish I'd waited a year to send my son - he didn't enjoy it very much. Vicki
Dancin, I don't know if they heard you from wherever you are but I just found out that the Woodbadge staff in our district will not be wearing the campaign hat this spring. No word yet on NYLT but I wouldn't be surprised if they go the same direction. Vicki
For very practical and economic reasons, our troop only requires the uniform shirt be worn, tucked in, with belt if belt loops are on the pants. That said, even at summer camp, even at our campsite, if it's morning or evening assembly, you are present with your shirt on and tucked in. No troop t-shirt, etc. Then we salute. Vicki
Leader training and this forum
Vicki replied to cajuncody's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
The AFL/CIO and VFW both offer scholarships, I don't know what the qualifications are. Paste these links into your browser... http://www.scouting.org/relationships/86-020/index.html http://www.scouting.org/relationships/03-166/index.html Vicki -
Wow, thanks! Just went to that website and the hats look exactly the same. Any way you would post when you get it to comment on the quality? Almost didn't start this thread cuz I didn't want to seem to be complaining. But one-third the cost would be too hard to pass up... Thanks all! Vicki
Good guess, Eamonn, I am indeed female, a bear at that! There are enough women amongst the adult staff who own Smokies that I would not presume to exercise my option. But thanks for the tip. FScouter, I should obviously just count my blessings. At least I don't have to pay the course fee... Kristi, I have my eye on e-bay - haven't seen $20 yet, though! Thanks to you, too. Vicki
Ah, if OGE is right, then a belated "tee-hee". As one who generally contributes enough to FOS to support at least me two scouts, I do appreciate the humor. EagleinKY, as I mentioned, it's standard for our staffs too and I understand your point, but $94 plus $13 for the press, and $6+ for the rain cover seems a bit much. Not to mention having to store the darn thing! Why not do the expedition hat? It's only $34... Maybe they're thinking once you have the hat, you might as well say yes a second or third time? Amortize the cost? (My own feeble attempt at humor.) Vicki
fscouter, I guess I don't understand the question. Maybe it's the way our district does things - all staff on JLTC and Woodbadge wear the hat. It's considered part of the uniform. But I still don't understand the question... Vicki
Spun off from "Stop the Insanity". OK, so I got asked to be on the new NYLT (previously JLTC) staff as an ASM. I feel pretty inspired and am looking forward to it. Then I was reminded that I would need to get a Smokey hat - knowing that it cost a friend $75 for hers a few years back, I go to the catalog - $94!! Tell me again the point to staffers having to wear that hat? I know it looks cool and all, but that's a lot of money to spend for a hat, when I don't wear 'em unless I have to... Vicki
We're chartered to a Lutheran church and have serious support from the Men's Club at another Lutheran church. So we do two Scout Sundays, one on the 6th and the other on the 13th - the troop and pack show up in uniform and have significant participation in the services. Religious awards are given out during the services. This year is our 50th anniversary so we will also have displays, etc., in the main public areas. My fondest memory is last year when we had our cabin campout the same weekend. Had to really bust hump to get to the service - the wonderful aroma of wood smoke permeated our area:
When I attended Wood Badge (C-12-04 Bear) we got our forms back in an envelope. Also, I have never put my Social Security number on the medical form. That number gets out on a need-to-know basis and the BSA doesn't need it for the medical form. I'm just glad my health care provider has changed their numbering system so that my SS# isn't my ID number anymore! Vicki