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Everything posted by Vicki

  1. Just to make sure this almost dead horse keeps stumblin' along... Vicki
  2. OK, I read all the replies and most of what's had to be said has been said. But I'm AC for a troop at present and I don't understand how anyone could do that job without access to advancement records? Huh? I also can't imagine any of the SMs I've been privileged to work with signing off on requirements just because a BOR got signed off. Those blank boxes in a book would bring everything grinding to a complete stop until questions got answered. Vicki
  3. Congrats to all who pursue a goal! Two weeks until our Fall Reunion. I'll be interviewing for Brotherhood. We'll see. Vicki
  4. Yea, OGE, KFC to go with the beer! I took that quiz - 100% on the mainline to liberal protestants, then 98% on the Sikhs! Reminds me of that old joke - I'm a schizophrenic and so am I!! Vicki
  5. I hope it wasn't too - it could have been if some of the troops that had camped at an Arkansas camp we went to this summer were there. Vicki
  6. I like a lot of these - from personal experience I can tell you that Baden's #9 - succession planning - should be there in bold with caps (IMNSHO, of course). The troop my oldest son is with had its SM leave and a couple of active ASMs age out with their scouts and they have been scrambling ever since. OTOH, when my youngest and I were looking for a new scouting home, one of the questions I asked was about succession planning - yep, plan in place, two individuals in mind for SM after the current one retires, they're all set. Seems to me to be a really important aspect that helps ensure the continuity of a good program. Vicki
  7. >He is not a bad guy. He enjoys being difficult though. > Not to hijack the thread, but doesn't this get tiring? We have one of those in our troop. Anyway, I think the question was answered - yes, registration is an annual "thing" and I think it actually says that on the application if you want the reference. If it doesn't, and I realize the following URL is not a National source, but it is recognized as a reliable source ... (http://www.scouting.org/factsheets/02-501.html) look under the paragraph beginning "Financial xxxx". Vicki
  8. >I have two women asking my opinion, so they can spend 30 minutes telling my why I'm wrong and why their way is better. If you don't want my honest opinions, then don't make me waste my time thinking about it. (sorry....didn't mean to vent)> Gotta tell you, that particular knife cuts both ways. Can't think of the number of times I've thought that of DH or some other (male) leader. So can we keep this elevated and out of the sexist claptrap realm? I generally post here because I have an honest question to which I am seeking an answer (with flak vest and thick skin filter on) or because I feel I may be able to contribute. I try to only occasionally post something that could be perceived negatively:
  9. Eamonn, thank you for the gift of her name. Prayers go out for you, OJ and Jamie. Vicki
  10. Edit: Thought better of it. "When you can't say something nice." Vicki (This message has been edited by Vicki)
  11. Gern, looks like you're going to have to buy those socks... Vicki
  12. Well, let me be the first to welcome you to the forum, Territory Manager! Not only because you bring welcome light to a subject near and dear to a lot of us... Please, stick around! Not just for supply related topics, either:
  13. Yep, just like I thought (and posted). Our MB card doesn't look anything like that. Interesting. Looking at it, it does look like the unit leader is only indicating receipt, not approval. "has given me his completed application" Vicki
  14. Um, I'm looking at a copy of a MB card that I signed for a scout. There is only one line for the SM/Advisor to sign, indicating that the scout is qualified to work toward the MB. There are two places for me to sign - one for the preliminary interview (which is left blank on this card since there wasn't one) and another line where I indicate he has completed the requirements and qualifies for the badge. The next signature line is for the Scout Executive's signature indicating that the MB has been approved and recorded. There is a tab attached for me to keep for my records and another for the council to keep for their records. That's it. I'm betting, though, that different councils have different MB cards. The one I'm looking at has a footnote that specifically identifies it as from BSA/GSLAC. Also, at least in our council, scouts don't necessarily have to go through the SM to get the name of a qualified counselor. The council maintains a web-site, a scout goes there, picks up a name and either calls or e-mails the counselor. No involvement from the SM at all. In fact, the last three scouts I've counseled got my name that way - one said he just went down the list and I was the first one that called back (I was third). Both of the SMs in troops I've been associated with recommend that to their scouts unless they're personally familiar with a specific counselor. In that case they recommend (note: not require) that the scout call that counselor. Getting back to the original post - sounds like it's time for a sit-down with your SM and CC. You can get all the opinions you like, but theirs are the only ones that matter. Vicki (edited for clarity(This message has been edited by Vicki)
  15. In St. Louis they are projected to be available in mid to late August. Vicki
  16. Thanks for the update. What happened with your younger son - you were worried about safety issues vis-a-vis the misbehaving scouts who became patrol leaders? Vicki
  17. oldsm, thanks for your thoughts. I'm in the Greater St. Louis Area Council, which is pretty densely packed, so it's not really practical to try to call the SM's. It's not that far from district to district, either. I've counseled scouts from four different districts at this point. I have no idea how many troops are in our district, much less our neighbors, but it's big numbers. Having served on NYLT staff and being on the district training staff (and attending RTs regularly as an ASM, previously Advancement Chair and prior to that Treasurer), I could certainly get something in the Advancement Report that's distributed at our district's RT and perhaps get something in the equivalent report in neighboring districts. Thanks for the thought, Vicki
  18. Oldsm >I think part of what is missing is the opportunity for the MBC to share his knowledge/insights/love of the subject with the Scout.> Exactly! Thank you so much for putting your finger on my issue. Part of what I love so much about counseling MB's is finding out what a scout knows going in so that I can point him in other directions for the rest of the work. When they have the badge done already, the fun is almost gone. I also love when they come back with things I would never have considered, teaching me something new. When they do it by the numbers (meritbadge.com worksheets), that just doesn't happen and the spark is a lot harder to ignite. Ah, well. I know it isn't about me or getting my yaya's out (for those of us who matured in a different era:
  19. So, just out of curiosity, how many of you MB counselors actually get the chance to set up a preliminary meeting? I don't mean with scouts from your troop - it's pretty easy there, when they get the card, they ask you, you sit down with them for a couple of minutes and, poof, preliminary meeting. No, I'm talking about when the scout gets your name from the MB counselor list on the internet, calls and already has most, if not all, of the work done. I counsel Communications and Personal Management. The last scout that did this with PM I was able to sign off on because his 13 week expense and income log was SO detailed I was sure it must have been contemporaneous. His SM issued the card a week before our meeting. I warned him the timing might raise a question at his Eagle Board. But it's getting old and puts me in an awkward spot. Especially since I won't sign the line that says we had a preliminary meeting if we haven't. OTOH, I don't want to not meet with a scout simply because he has all the work done prior to his first call but I don't want to make him come back for a second meeting simply for the sake of having a second meeting. These are merit badges that come along later in a scout's career, for goodness' sake! Shouldn't they know better? The most recent one will turn 18 on August 17th, surely he's been around this bend before (and stop calling me Shirley:
  20. Vicki


    The Prince! I am always impressed and humbled by the well of knowledge that is my fellow scouters. I've also always felt Machiavelli was vastly underrated and unjustly maligned. As to the sentiment, as I join another troop with my youngest and see some things that I'd like to ask the committee to ponder, I have been keeping it foremost in my thoughts. No matter what your credentials, until you are part of the group, the group has no reason to change at your behest and would probably end up resenting you and rejecting your thoughts. After all, they were getting along just fine before you came along, eh? Wise counsel, SP! Vicki
  21. frznpch, how did this get resolved? I believe you've been to, or are close to going to, camp?
  22. Pete, do I assume there wasn't an adult in camp when this happened? I know it's difficult (and impossible at times), Anger management is something with which I have more than a passing familiarity. ADHD and its attendant impulsivity are only part of the problem, IMO. In managing my own temper, and teaching my hot-headed sons (one of whom is ADD) to manage theirs, it has been critical to teach them how to put a breath between trigger and response. Very difficult to do and the method differs with every person, but the payoff is enormous. Both of my sons are seen as very even-tempered now, as is their mother. I wish I hadn't had to self-teach, it would have been easier. I started with both of them when they were about six - when the seriousness of their tempers manifested itself. I already knew from my own experience how serious it could get if not dealt with early. For example, with son 1, telling him to clench his fists at his sides helped. With son 2, it's a visualization exercise where he looks at the person and visualizes (fill in the blank). With me, it's more of a physical shutting down. Vicki
  23. Go Bears Go! Go Bears Go! We're Gilwell's best, we're up to the test, Go Bears Go! Vicki C-12-04 The Energetic Eight-Clawed Bears
  24. I'm in the same council as stlscouter and was on the Pack and Paddle staff for the third week of the program. In fact, I believe our SPL was the very same individual as stlscouter's youth director. Truly gifted. This is an unbelievable opportunity, similar to Wood Badge, to provide youth across the council with a chance to see how a youth-led program really can work. This is my second year at it and cannot speak highly enough of the program and the people involved with it. I believe Pack and Paddle may be unique to our council - it's national NYLT's syllabus with high adventure elements thrown in for older scouts. If anyone is interested, I'd be happy to share the details, it really does help keep some of the scouts engaged who might otherwise "tune it out". Vicki
  25. Oh, yea, Merlyn and Ed in a "god thread". We're in for some fun now, eh? Stop baiting Ed. He's a good egg, just a little hard-boiled:
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