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Everything posted by VentureScoutNY

  1. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=39651&item=3966463207&rd=1&tc=photo I was looking through Ebay and found this. The seller says it's his own PERSONAL collection. His Eagle Medal and everything! I was just so amazed he would sell his personal items... I could never imagine...
  2. This is an older story but while reading this thread it popped into my head. Although this may be the most cliche' Scout story.. Moving back into the dorms for my sophomore year I went out to lunch with my parents and girlfriend. We went to Newport Creamery, a Rhode Island diner chain, with the best Ice Cream shakes!! They call them Awful Awfuls so if your ever in RI look them up! ANYWAY, it was on a busy road and there was an elderly women waiting to cross. Me being the Scout that I am went acorss the street to help her cross. She gladly accpetd and I took her arm and crossed her. She thanked me over and over and told me that that day was her 102nd birthday. I wished her a Happy Birthday and with a wink told her she didn't look a day past 70 She laughed and wanted to give me money but I refused. She wouldn't let me go unless I accepted, so I gave in and she handed me a 1$ bill. Afterwards I wrote on the dollar the date and that it was given to me by the one hundred and two year old woman in Providence... I put it on my wall at home to remind me of the day. From the smallest helping hand we all make a difference. Doing good turns is one of the greatest parts of Scouting. And it is quite contagious. I can always depend on a Scouter to do what is right.
  3. I was just checking out the Jac-Shirt offererd on that website. I don't think it is an official BSA coat. Although it lookis quite similar and has the patch, it has "slanted slash pockets" on the front of it. The Official Jac-Shirt sold through the Scout Catalog has NO "slanted slash pockets"... YIS
  4. "I found it to be the most useless piece of uniform I ever had. " I think the opposite actually... I wore mine in the winter and it was quite warm. Sure it did not stop the wind, but does any coat really STOP the wind...maybe slightly but not enough to feel a difference IMO. When its 10 degrees out, there not much difference between a warm windbreaker or a warm wool coat. It all about the layering either way. I find the wool coat to be quite usefull,and also very flexible. I always hated bulky coats because when doing activities scouts look kike stay-puffued marshmellow men! With the wool coat I felt more versatile. It sure is spiffy looking though isn't it? The cost on the other hand takes my breath away... I wonder if they allow loans for those things YIS
  5. "Gucci, Giorgio Armani...." Hmmm..I think you came to the wrong froum... Come back when the names are LL Bean, Campmore, NorthFace...etc.. But if you come across any official Boy Scout Armani shirts let me know ;-) YIS
  6. Thanks Greeneagle for sharing. I actually was just given "Flags of our fathers" by my mother. Haven't statred reading it yet but look forward to starting it over my spring break! What a fine History we have! One I am proud of everyday! YIS
  7. I'll second that! I was very nervous when I I did the C.O.P.E. course, and when I did it sucessfully I felt like I was on top of the world. It did wonders for my self-esteem!
  8. wow thanks hops..I'm surprised it was that easy..
  9. For those of you that use the chat room on msn.com I can't get on! AK and hops, do you fellas know how I can fix my problem. Everytime I try to load the chat page it says " Hmmm, We Can't Find that Page..." My pop-up blocker is off...so I don't know whats wrong. Anyone know aything about cookies? Help would be great, thanks! YIS
  10. Welcome to the forums, I am a fellow scouter and Long Islander! There are some fine people here on this forums so pull up a log by our campfire and enjoy! YIS
  11. Has anyone recieved their Campaign Hats yet? I bought 3 over a month ago and still nothing...nor any responce from BP through E-Mail...Just curious on whether I should be nervous or not. YIS
  12. http://www.scoutstuff.org/cgi/catalog The picture looks better in the catalog itself. On the shirt there is the BSA logo above the top right pocket and the letters BSA. I don't the logo or BSA on the short sleeve version though...
  13. Could it be...could this be a preview design for a new uniform in the future... The New Boy Scout Action Shirt:Beat the heat while you're in action with this lightweight, breathable shirt. Shirt keeps cool with wicking capabilities and a bi-swing back with mesh inserts. Features two locker loops, chest pockets with hook-and-loop closures, and a buttoned-down collar with lined collar band. Made of 27% polyester/73% nylon. Available with short sleeves or long sleeves. This looks like a great shirt for camping! Well, considering your camping in the warm weather. I'll have to order it and give it a try, looks like a good item! YIS
  14. Eamonn, that does sound like something I would be interested in. I was searching the web looking for more info on types of different registration with the BSA. I found this page, actually from the archives of the scouter forum. In it, it states that the College Scouter Reserve is being phased out... Is there anyone who knows of a place I can find out more information about either of these codes, 91 or 92. Qualifications etc... http://www.scouter.com/Archives/Scouts-L/199503/0082.asp
  15. This may be the link http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Falls/8826/overview.html
  16. All of this talk about Venturing lately leads me to ponder some things. Besides the fact that Venturing is co-ed, and has a very broad purpose and program. What is the difference between the original Explorers of the late 1930's through the 1940's and todays Venturers? So many of Venturings advancements mirrior the advancement of Explorers... YIS
  17. I personally like Venture Scout myself...hence my username. Proud Eagle, I am a Venturer for similar reasons you were. I am away at College, and honestly don't have the time to be involved with my Crew at home when I am home. So I am bascailly a Venturer just to stay in the program, and covered under insurance etc... I jump on trips with my old Troop whenever I can. All it is for me is a change in Uniform. Although I have read a few Venturing publications and know the oath and code and live by them daily. Much like Explorers of the past, who camped with their Troops as well as their posts(or so i am told by my uncle who was an Explorer). They were kinda the "older" scouts on board. Which leads me to start up a post in the Scouting History forum... YIS
  18. Proud Eagle, if I'm not mistaken I believe you answered your own question. According to what you posted from the Insignia Guide, you can not alter or add to the official uniform. So my guess would be a NO. I would guess it is all or nothing when it comes to the rules of the program. Does this mean it is not done? No again. Many Crews I have seen and talked to use the official shirt, but will require only jeans with it, or grey pants close to the color of the official pants. Many complaints are the "usual" price issues of the official pants and shorts. In fact, I alter my own Venturing Unifrom slightly...I wear an old Explorers Overseas Cap, and replaced the Explorer symbol with the Venturing symbol. It looks pretty neat! Other than that, I wear the full Unifrom, including the high priced pants If I can afford the gas in my car for a month I can afford the pants! YIS
  19. Welcome to the forums Shilo, where are you from?
  20. I ordered 3 in December and have not recieved them either... I trust, since BP is a scouter that we can all trust him in delievering them soon. I just sent him another personal e-mail this morning to see what he's up to. Vicki, if/when we recieve them I'd def say order one from him, since BP is selling them for $10 each plus shipping. It is a good deal.(if I actually ever get them) I would also keep my eyes on Ebay, I have purchased quite a few from ebay all for under $30. ALSO, are there any scouters that you know with the same head size? You can always look into borrowing one from someone... YIS
  21. Welcome to the forums JWKnoll, thanks for the info. YIS
  22. I agree, they do need to maybe change the name of the Venture Patrol. Too many people seem to get confused with it in the Troop. I don't remember the answer but can Venturers wear a campaign hat?
  23. This post got me thinking of one of my best memories as a scout. I had built many snow forts and shelters before as a kid, but on this one trip we would be sleeping in one! I can't explain how excited I was, but I'm sure most of you know that feeling. I was with my best friend on the trip and we began construction of the shelter. I am no expert in snow shelters, but I would call what we built a snow cave. All day long, with a few other scouts we piled and pield snow up to form a small mountain of it. We then began to dig into it. After a while we made use of an old radio flyer sled. We took turns laying on it, with our backs on the sled; we would go in and dig until we had snow all over us, than we'd shout to the scout outside to pull us out for the next scout to do his shift. In time we had a snow shelter for two. We constructed walls at the opening of the shelter to make it look more igloo-like. My friend went looking for downed pine braches to line the bottom of the cave and some of the walls with. When he returned, he had a sled full of fresh pine branches! Our SM had to give him a quick refresh on what NO TRACE camping meant ie. dont cut live braches off of the pine trees! We used the pine branches anyway, and the place smelled great!! We got our sleeping bags and canteens and went in for the night. My buddy said he would bring the necessities with him, so when we were all settled inI asked him what he brought, all that came out of his pack was a football!! I guess everyones necessities are different! It was truly a great experience. That's my trip down memory lane... YIS
  24. Thanks for sharing eisely. I just finished reading 'The Savage Nation' by Michael Savgage, and its scary how true some of his predictions are when it comes to the ACLU and their constant attacks on Americans.
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