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New York
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I'm thankful for God, Scouters, family, friends, our Constitution, and leftovers!
In the spirit of abolishing thanskgiving, christmas, etc.
Venturer2002 replied to eisely's topic in Issues & Politics
I wasn't raised in a Roman Catholic family, so I wouldn't really know about the Mary/May-pole connection. I was aware, however, of its pagan roots as a solar celebration. That was precisely the reason why the R.C. church outlawed celebration of this holiday, and subsequently must have re-introduced it as a Mary festival. As a Protestant, I'd still have qualms about its celebration in either tradition, but clearly the original post wasn't intended as Catholic-bashing, but merely an example of a pagan holiday I wouldn't wish to celebrate as a Christian. -
I've been a member of a sick troop, and wish that I wasn't. The problem with not starting a new troop in your community is you'll effectively cut off the other boys in your area by ignoring the problem at hand: the need for a new Troop. Start a new Troop, and in a few years you'll get bunches of kids, and you'll be doing one of the best "good turns" you can for both your son and your community. instead of ignoring the problem, attack it. And furthermore, your district officials are totally correct in steering you clear of lone scouting when there is no need to. Just because your son CAN be a loner doesn't mean he SHOULD...the patrol system doesn't function with one kid and his momma.
In the spirit of abolishing thanskgiving, christmas, etc.
Venturer2002 replied to eisely's topic in Issues & Politics
I wouldn't think any unbeliever would WANT to celebrate the Birth or the Death and Ressurection of our Saviour any more than I would want to frolic around a may-pole! -
In the spirit of abolishing thanskgiving, christmas, etc.
Venturer2002 replied to eisely's topic in Issues & Politics
Or it's not a Christmas Tree per se... -
In the spirit of abolishing thanskgiving, christmas, etc.
Venturer2002 replied to eisely's topic in Issues & Politics
Christians celebrate Christian holidays, Pagans celebrate pagan holidays, and atheists celebrate themselves. -
Scout looking for some Eagle help
Venturer2002 replied to SouthPoleScout's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Cody, Sounds like a great project! Make sure to check with your school to see if they don't have any resources (many already deal with suppliers of playground equipment). Another good lead for playground equipment would be your Town/Township/City 's office, they might have some people or phone numbers to help you. Have Fun and continue your work! -
God bless each and every one of you, and may all enjoy the fullness of his bounty through Christ.
"If you worship the One and Only true God then there is no 'god of idols'. Why do you refer to gods that do not exist? I don't think your wording is really what you meant. " Actually, he's right , considering this scriptural passage: "For YHWH your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great god" (Deut. 10:17) In considering also the 10 Commandments (really many stuck together in similar groupings to help you remember them) think of numero uno: I Am The Lord Thy God; Thou Shalt have no other gods Before Me. The One True God also said this on earth, as Jesus: "I am the way, the truth, and the light. None shall come to the father except through me" and I think that's more in line with what he was talking about.
classb.com has a great namebadge made similarly to the above reply, but they can greatly customize emblems and colors to match what you need.
I'm a Den Chief right now, and I was recognized at the Court of Honor, and the Pack held a Den Chief Induction ceremony. When I was trained at the council level the Pack was nice enough to pick up the tab for that, as well as the book & cords.
The BSA now fully recognizes the Activity uniform, as well as Troop uniforms, as suitable uniforms. That's not to say that Memorial day your Troop should shirk their so-called field uniform, but rather at summer camp they needn't be so hot all the time. You can salute wearing the Activity uniform, Troop t's, etc. Sure makes the issue clearer in my opinion.
Firstpusk, Evolutionary theory deals with creation outside of the scope of God, based on that alone it is an engine of evil. I wasn't clear on your meaning about you preaching sunday, please clarify.
It seems to me that ScoutParent has made several wise conclusions. 1. Evolution supports the idea of "survival of the fittest" and champions genetic change which increases survival, genetic superiority if you will. 2. It is an established fact that scientists used such "evidence" during the 1940's in pre-war Germany to "cleanse" the gene pool of "lesser races" that would hinder the creation of a master race. For further clarification, read Meine Kampf (sp?) To me these two pieces of fact turn the credibility of evolutionary theory on it's head. Eugenics and Evolution are inexorably linked, which precludes nearly anyone of religious convictions from subscribing to this idea. Evolution, like many areas of science, is not infallible. As many have stated, Newton's "law" does not apply in particular situations. The idea that the power of government stems from the people is the cornerstone of american democracy. This principle has been subverted by such institutions as the Electoral college, created so that dumb people wouldn't make stupid mistakes. Another american institution, evolution, seems to be doing the same thing. Even though the general populace is outraged when evolutionary theory is preached, the outcries fall on deaf ears. Evolutionary theory is not science, for it relies too heavily on faith for it to be a science. Faith you ask? Yes! Faith that there is no God. Faith that we WEREN'T created by God. Faith that we were once simpler organisms. And , yes, the faith that this process will continue. Modern Evolutionary theory, and its offshoots known as planned parenthood, eugenics, & "social darwinism", are nothing more than the dogma of a failing religion. Nothing more than the feeble hope of man to transcend humanity. Nothing more than the serpeant's promise in the Garden of Eden. For, as a religious teaching, this school of thought has no place in any academic institution, and should be confined to the bitter tirades of secular humanists and atheists. (I already can hear people outraged at my use of the Holy Bible in this post, and for them I will pray tonight. Think of your replies as a prayer list :-) )
In my council the Order of the Arrow improves the summer camp, helps leadership development through higher training, and promotes the aims of scouting through Troop Representatives who, funny enough, represent the OA in the Troop. Since the scouting program in British Commonwealth nations was structered somewhat differently from the Boy Scouts of America, you'd need to adapt the aims of your program. We also drew on the rich traditions of "Native Americans" when formulating our program, maybe you could use the aboriginals? Your ideas/principles are sound, as I've noticed that the greatest number of scouts in my area are lost during what you call venturing. The Order of the Arrow is called the "Brotherhood of Cheerful Service" and that's what works for us. Possibly the Aussie program would have a different focus. Hope I helped you!