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  1. FOG, Eamonn Thanks for your insights, We currently concentrate the skills approval to the SM and ASMs. I wonder if we added to the people who are able to approve the skills we might be able to give some additional attention to making sure the scouts actually learn the skill. The knot relay would be a great way to keep them current on their skills.
  2. Thank you all for your help. I will bring this information up at our next meeting. Ernie
  3. LPC_Thumper As a troop committee member who has been conducting BOR for two years, I was less concerned with the skills than the SM who instituted this program. I always tried to encourage the boys to talk about themselves and their achievements as they progress thru the ranks. I hope the scouts will learn interviewing skills they can use when looking for a job. Rather than spending our time on peer reviews, I would like to see more time spent in helping the advancment of the "Quiet Kids" that seem to be left behind and do not progress. I feel that we have added an additional hinderence for these kids' progression. Thanks for your replies.
  4. Thanks for your replies. Our troop BOR had always did some testing of the boys, particulary their knot skills. We learned that the BOR should not test, but just verify that the boy had accomplished the skill. There was a feeling that the skills needed to be retested hence the peer review. Thanks for your replies.
  5. Our troop has instituted a peer review process to test scouts after they have completed all requirements for advancement but before he attends the scoutmaster conference and BOR. I am concerned that this adds another "hoop" for the boys to jump thru that is not required in the scout manual. I was wondering if anyone else had experience with this process. Thanks
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