Lynda J, I think that you should learn a little bit more about a tapout ceremony. They are not allowed anymore because they were very violent and painful. There were many ways to do them. I have witnessed one that the people being "tapped" out were basically tackled and then taken near a fire. My scoutmaster tells me that when he was a child the chief would slam his hand onto your shoulder and almost dislocate it. They are NOT allowed anymore, but people still do them.
Also, this may not sound very scoutlike, but what is with all this no secrets crap. I believe that OA should be kept secret from all youth, and all parents involved in scouting. The youth should go in expecting nothing, and be completely amazed by what happens. That is how it happened to me and i loved it. Also, the OA is a mostly secret society. Why do you think that you have to reach new ranks to learn more. I am brotherhood and i know that i have barely scraped the surface of what there is to know. I believe that non-members should know nothing except that OA is fun, mysterious, an a brotherhood of cheerful service.