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  1. I DO get involved and I DON"T sit by the sidelines. I've helped out each meeting I"ve been to. I'm the ONLY parent that comes to the meetings. There is 5 adults for 8 girls. Thats quite a good low ratio. It isn't for lack of help. You're right, I will probably see if a few more meetings change the situation. You're comment was very premature to assume I wasn't there helping out......
  2. Hi, I signed up my daughter for Brownies a couple of weeks ago. They meet once a week at 6:00 pm in her school. I didn't know what to expect, but I'm close to taking my daughter out of the troop. The leaders are very nice, but very disorganized.I thought there would be more structure and activities related to a girl scout meeting. The girls do a craft, a snack and go home. My issues are the time of the meeting, 6:00 pm is a little late for 6 year olds to gather IMHO. The troop leader can't seem to keep the girls focused and calm. They run all around the auditorium and don't listen or care if a meeting is going on. I stay to observe the meeting to see if its worth keeping my daughter in, but so far I don't see any difference between this girl scout meeting and a playdate after school. I'm not sure when or if I should suggest in a nice way to the troop leader what I think about the meetings. I know the troop leader is trying, maybe it takes several meetings before it all comes together. Maybe my expectations are unreasonable. My daughter still wants to attend, but the interest is dwindling only after 2 meetings. I know the Girl Scouts can be a wonderful experience and its a great organization, but my impression so far has been disappointing.
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