I looked it up, and it's true - Assistant Tiger Den Leader doesn't seem to be an official position. I guess if that's really an issue, the CM will let the DL know...the DL is the one who asked me to do it in the first place, and I'll be handing in my leadership application to the CM this evening.
It doesn't really bother me that the role isn't officially recognized, though, and I don't see that as a reason to take it less seriously, either. I don't think the DL's idea is for it to replace Shared Leadership - more like I'll be the one doing things like recording advancements, calling parents with info, etc. Which is perfectly fine with me. Either way, if I'm going to help out, I feel more comfortable getting registered and trained...if it were another parent, I'd hope they'd do the same in order to help keep a high quality level in our den, even if it wasn't an officially recognized leadership position.
After looking at some of ScoutNut's faboo links (holy cow...good stuff there!), I'm guessing that maybe the best thing to do would be to take the Leader Specific Training classes for both Tiger Den Leader and Assistant Den Leader. That should cover the bases. I'll definitely talk to DL and CM tonight and see how they think I should proceed, though, and get that Fast Start training under my belt, too!
- TwoSirius