I am a scout parent of two boys in a very strict, by the book, Troop. They definitely use the POR duty/objective sheets from the JLT kit, which on one hand is good because it give the scouts an idea of what is expected in a certain POR. However, these sheets can also be used in a very negative way. The adult leadership uses it as a weapon to block advancement. The scouts are given very little, if any, feedback during the POR period, either good or bad, yet at the end of the POR period are given a performance rating of only two options: fully performed or not-at-all. There is no middle "satisfactory but could use improvement" rating. And the ratings are not told to the scouts, they are kept in secret until its time for a scout to meet for his next SM conference, and only then do they find out that they received a negative rating and must wait for another POR period to come and go before requesting another SM conference. It's become very frustrating for the scouts, and as you can imagine, scout spirit within the troop is very low. There's got to be a middle ground between "winging it" in your POR responsibilities, and having to cross every t and dot every i. They also make the scouts fill out the sheets using the S.M.A.R.T method of performance, which is hard enough for adults to do in a corporation, and way above what is needed for boys.