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Everything posted by TWOMORROWS

  1. It made main-stream news. http://abclocal.go.com/ktrk/story?section=news/national_world&id=8971105
  2. http://www.golite.com/packs-and-luggage/backcountry-ultralite?avad=28031_a37fb371
  3. Sounds like a fantastic adventure and a good bargain too? Why the need to have negativity about the Summitt?
  4. (This message has been edited by TWOMORROWS)
  5. He will probably be going by his Texas name of Koby Morrow although I don't think he will be taking his cowboy hat that they wore to NOAC in Michigan, nor his toque (no idea actual name the red hat from Norther Tier) he wore on the Canadian Odyssey! Maybe he does need a coonskin cap! LOL
  6. Old Grey Eagle I am sure you will be meeting my son. He will be bringing you a troop to participate in the Buckskin games up the mountain each day!
  7. qwazse-your quote is from my previous post where I was attempting to defend Jamboree to someone that was totally discounting, and insulting, the experience of Jamboree and anyone attending it. I totally stand behind your and anyones' decision to not attend for any reason. I enjoy seeing alternative adventures and how everyone pays for and organizes them. I am glad you had fun at the Jamboree you attended and I hope your boys have fun with their Scouting experiences.
  8. From the staff guide: In addition to providing transportation for the troops arriving at the Summit, TMS has a special program for our staff and volunteers. TMS will be offering shuttle service to and from Charlotte Douglas International Airport as well as Yeager Airport in Charleston, West Virginia. You will be able to reserve a seat through the TMS website for a nominal fee (TBD) for the round-trip transfer. We will operate on the following dates and times: Arrival dates and times: (all times are EDT) July 12, 8 a.m.6 p.m. (Last bus departs the airports at 6 p.m.) July 13, 8 a.m.6 p.m. (Last bus departs the airports at 6 p.m.) July 14, 8 a.m.4 p.m. (Last bus departs the airports at 4 p.m.) Departure dates and times: (all times are EDT) July 25, 2 a.m.3 p.m. (Last bus departs the Summit at 3 p.m.) July 26, 2 a.m.3 p.m. (Last bus departs the Summit at 3 p.m.) Transportation to the Summit via train is discouraged at this time due to road conditions to and from the train station. If you must travel by train, be sure to make clear your arrival station when you contact TMS. All space is limited, so please book your reservation with TMS once your flight details have been finalized. For all questions regarding shuttle services for staff from surrounding locations to the Summit, please contact TMS directly at 800-437-7629, or email questions to jamboree@tms.com. You may also visit the TMS website at www. tms.com/2013Jamboree for a list of frequently asked questions.
  9. My son (hopefully Eagle by the summer) will be on staff as an OA Trek Guide. He will guide a different troop each day up the mountain to participate in the Buckskin Games and other activities in the afternoon. He is very excited and is looking forward to meeting many new scouts!
  10. My son attended the 2010 Jamboree. He had a great time and was quite overwhelmed by the number of scouts. BTW he did not earn a single merit badge. He met scouts from around the world and from all over the United States, which he still keeps in touch with today. He is attending the 2013 Jamboree at the New Sumitt as a Trek Guide for the OA and is looking forward to it. If you don't want to go because you are sure that you preconceived negative notions are correct, or for whatever reason, there is not need to insults it. BTW he has been to Philmont and also worked at Northern Tier. He enjoys backpacking the most, but thinks of the Jamboree as a totally different kind of experience, not better or worse, just different! Whine on!
  11. There are two types of Centennial Ring Patches. One is exclusively for those who participated in the 2010 Jamboree and has a little notch at the bottom with a flag and BSA. The other is just the ring and you should be able to find it on EBAY for around $2-$5. Good Luck!
  12. Please if you are going the plastic tub route buy Sterelite products as they are made in USA!
  13. The camp is located 40 miles from downtown Houston. The rumor that I have heard is that due to no tax revenue coming from the property the city of conroe is planning on emiment doamaining some for a sewage treatment plant.
  14. He should be able to breathe something in the BSA to earn his salary. The Chief Scout Executive, the CEO of the Boy Scouts of America National Council, receives a salary of $1,577,600. Not bad for a man with Bachelor of Arts in Music Education.
  15. Here is an article about: Girl Scouts add activities normally associated with boys to their repertoire Read more: http://www.greenwichtime.com/news/article/Girl-Scouts-add-activities-normally-associated-331017.php#ixzz1vceEIXhh Here are some more Girl Scouts Learning Gun Safety! http://www.newlenoxpatriot.com/Articles-c-2009-04-21-194208.112113_New_Lenox_Girl_Scouts_learn_Gun_safety.html Boy those Girl Scouts are a great organization that expose the girls to a vast array of activities and adventures.
  16. Are we allowed to Spam this forum? If so I have some off the wall causes that I am involved in and would very much like to reach more people.
  17. Fat people should not be allowed to be Leaders! Smokers should not be allowed to be Leaders! Non-US citizens should not be allowed to be Leaders! Non-members of the CO should not be allowed to be Leaders! Women should not be allowed to be Leaders! People who did minor crimes in their youth should not be allowed to be Leaders! Old people should not be allowed to be Leaders! Young people should not be allowed to be Leaders! Non-parents should not be allowed to be Leaders! Non of these people have anything of value to teach the boys!
  18. This sounds like an excellent course to teach lightweight backpacking techniques to BSA leaders and older scouts! http://www.backpackinglight.com/cgi-bin/backpackinglight/montana_bsa_ultralight_leader_course
  19. I think that women are much more inclined to allow boys to make their own decisions and to allow boys handle tasks without hovering and micromanaging. Men tend to have a need to constantly supervise and insist that things are done exactly how they woudl do them rather then letting the boys try and fail, succeed, try again.
  20. If the country does not produce anything there will be no high paying jobs requiring an education either. Therefore, those low paying jobs for unskilled illiterates are necessary to keep you employed. We all want the best for our children, but every citizen in the country can not be a boss!!!! A country's economy can not be solely based on consumption.
  21. If an individual wishes to remain employed himself it is his duty and responsibility to help keep his fellow citizens employed. A country's economy can not be based solely on comsumption. Buy made in the USA so each of us can remain productive and employed.
  22. Panem et Circenses Latin for Bread and Entertainment From the Roman Empire days...Keep their bellies full and keep them entertained and they will give up their civic and political responsibilities and therefore their power. This is exactly what has occured in the USA. It is each of our responsibility to keep our fellow citizens productive and working. BUY MADE IN THE USA!!!!! Stepping down off my soapbox!
  23. Maybe this thread would be better discussed in the Girl Scouting section. Can it be moved?
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