This week my son submitted his Eagle project plans. Some of the things that he got dinged on where no big deal, his plans need to be more detailed.
One of the dings that I'm having a hard time understanding is the "Phase Two of the Project"(exact written SM words). I had him call his SM just to clarify it, I thought that he had misunderstood something.
What "Phase Two of a Project" is, a boy must write into his plans, work for other boys in the troop, who are not directly involved in the Eagle project, to be done at the place of the Eagle project while the Eagle project is going on.
My Advancement Committee book from 2008 (is there a newer one?) doesn't mention anything remotely close to this.
Can the SM, CC & CM force him to comply with this requirement? His project leans to more skilled labor not boy scout labor. I didn't remember reading anything about a ratio or minimum of boy scout labor.
So what is a 15 year old boy scout supposed to do / say when he is sitting across the table from his SM, CC and a CM (all three have a combined over 110 years of scouting)who are trying to strong arm him into writing into his project something that is not required?
This is sort of like the 100 hour myth.