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Everything posted by twin_wasp

  1. Folks: Here are my three cents: 1- There recently is a conscious effort to separate cubs from Scouts at camporees and other events, I think this has come about as a correction to the excessive integration of the cubs into scouting events in the past. Some of our camporees a few years ago had cubs partipating in the scouting events, I had to modify my knife shrpening demo when I realized I had 9 year olds participating! (Yes, one of the little fellows cut himself.) 2 - National does not own camps, but it does inspect and rate summer camps and has sort of certification process. Getting a good inspection is a goal for every council camp, and following the latest recommendations is a good way to succeed. 3 - Managing volunteers is a neglected and difficult art, and the camp director who chose to ignore the work you guys did on that building does so at his own peril. It is his call to use it for cub programs, but there are ways to recognize and redirect the energies of the guys who built and maintained it. Yours in scouting twin_wasp
  2. We use almost the same "brainstorming" methods as the first go round in our planning cycle. We add one more layer though, each item is voted on by the group later, so we get a measure of group support. The JCL and the Scouters then make up a "Blue Sky" list of priorities and activities that we want to accomplish during the year, this acts as mandate for further action. Ed
  3. Sorry about the spelling, Next time I will use my spell checker!!
  4. Scouting for All, an organization working to change scoutings membership rules, maintains such a list at http://www.scoutingforall.org/aaic/corplist.shtml These lists are a bit difficulat to maintain. Corporations are usually happy to reveal who they fund because of the good PR it generates but are often reluctant to proclaim who they do not fund. Funding decisions change frequently. In general, Scouting for All, although they have a definite interest in promoting their cause, makes an honest effort to correctly reports funding. Yours in Scouting twin_wasp
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