I wanted to update this to tell you a little more about what I found out about the Lions program:
Well, I had a short conversation with the Wolves DL that is heading up the Lions program for our pack.
She told me she that she was given a book "Learning for Life" that is appropriate for the kindergarteners (http://www.learning-for-life.org) I guess it's a program that has levels for older kids as well.
She said in addition she's been supplementing this with adding in some other science information, having the boys say the pledge, and learning the laws of the pack. She said they have been more than responsive, and they are learning things like sponge.. She homeschools her children, so she's using part of her science lessons from that.
In order to combat the whole babysitting thing, she has insisted (like Tigers) that a parent remain with their child, and that they also participate and help with the program. She said she had a few more kids at the beginning, but when the parents found out they couldn't just drop the kids off for an hour of free babysitting, a couple dropped out.
She said that when the kids become Tigers next year, they'll all have already learned everything they need for their Bobcat.
Hope this helps..