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Everything posted by blw2

  1. Tiger dad here. This touches on something I am seeing already, and heard another dad refer to it by saying that we need a "higher standard of excelence". I've had friendly /informal conversations with the leader and even the CM around this. The problem seems to be, at my son's level anyway, that it's up to the parents to sign off. If they sign off, then that is that. We all know the cub scout motto, at least those of us parents that have cracked the book...... which I'm starting to think as I start my new status of assistant den leader, is very few of them.... Not sure how the parent sign offs work at the OA level, but I'm wondering if it's not a systemic problem
  2. When I revived this thread about facebook, I wasn't really even thinking about the youth accessing it. Seems to me taht cubs are too young for facebook, but I suppose maybe not the weblos 2.(??) I was looking at this more from the perspective of leader to parent and parent to parent organization and communication.
  3. I'm curious about this topic, and would like to revive this thread to hear from those using social media such as facebook. To the original poster - where did you end up? I researched this a few months back when I volunteered to be assistant den leader and was asked to take care of "the paperwork", tracking awards, etc.. for my son's tiger den. I researched this and was bouncing between packmaster, scouttrack, and scoutmanage. I ended up using the cub trax spreadsheet templates. This is what some of our den leaders use. These seem pretty good, although labor intesive. I have sent multiple emails asking for info., and asked those that make it to the den meetings since for the info. What I'm finding out though, is; a) it really isn't all that important to track this for cub scouts. In the end all that matters is if the scout's adult partner sign him off for everything or not. Short of that, why do we care where he is along the way? b) It's like pulling teeth to get people to feed me the info to fill in the spreadsheets. I'm finding that most parents aren't really reading the book and doing the program. I'm really new at this, but my thoughts are that the most important tools that our whole pack could use are: contact management, (email lists, etc.) Some sort of calendar tool that would be easy to check. How well has facebook worked as compared to the way I'm doing it, or compared to those store bought software packages.
  4. This is mainly a test really, for my first post. As I see others today have posted, I have been trying once in a while for several months to register, and now the system is working and here I am. I have had so many things I wanted to ask and discuss. I'll save that for other posts.... I am a Tiger dad, and just recently stepped up my volunteer role to act as the Assistant Den leader for my son's den. Anyway, hello.
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