Gentlemen thank you for your input.
My profile should have said SM. I can tell you a little about the boy (15) he came into the Troop all ready Life rank with no Blue Cards he has moved here from another Council. The parents unfortunately dont remember the council but I have traced to him the Midwest. I have tried contacting that council but have not received any information yet. The boy has told me that in his old troop no one would listen to him and there were no PLC meetings or planning sessions. He has told me that he held Patrol Leader and Senior Patrol Leader positions, this has not been verified. They basically just hung around the bldg. In our troop he has failed to show for any of these meetings. He told the members of the troop not to put him in any position since he wasnt interested and wouldnt do the job. Even Troop activities he shows up and then leaves right in the middle. The last excuse he used was he needed a break to go play some video games, so he just left (with his parents) and came back 4hrs later. The parents go along saying that it is his decision and they support him. The father achieved Eagle rank himself so that is why this is so puzzling. I have tried to schedule SM conference but usually hes a no show. He receives (including his parents) all newsletters and email info from troop weekly. Still we are going nowhere. The Troop committee is very supportive of all unit members. They have talked with the youth and are just as puzzled. So we are picking brains from every where to see what we can try to do to turn this situation around.
Thanks Again