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Everything posted by troop2dad

  1. It seems we have been into this for about the same time. I came over from cub scouts as cubmaster a year after my son crossed over. This was to allow him the ability to gain his own identity before I came over. We had transitional adult leadership for a year while I worked with our oldest scouts trying to get high adventure happening. After that year I took over as scoutmaster and had a friend from cubs come over to fill my role. The troop in the beginning was very adult led. After 3 years, and 3 SPL, we are working great as a boy led troop. Since we prefer to do camping on our own we don't mix with many troops. Sad to say we find too many troops are still very adult led with too many rules and not enough trust relationships between scouts and adults. My guys now teach the younger scouts the skills needed to make scouting enjoyable. Honestly it is more fun to watch the older scouts working with the younger scouts. Two things that helped us in our past. (1) building trust relationships and (2) we also have the geezer patrol and this creates an environment of challenging cooking skills among our patrols. This has been a great time and had parents wondering were their boys get their great cooking skills from. We have now started a venture crew as a result of the girls wanting the experiences the boys are having.
  2. Greetings, Also from outside Philly, located in Delaware County. Was CM for 7 years and now SM for 3 and loving it.
  3. Our Council hired a new DE for Venturing. I am very impressed as our crew just started 2 months ago but we get a ton of support. I think one success is the new DE is younger and can relate to our crew members. I hope to see really cool things ahead.
  4. In response to several young ladies requests we have started our own crew. It is a combination of boys from our troop and their friends who are girls. We have had 4 meetings, every other week, gone to a Venture meeting sponsored by our Council, and the youth have decided to provide a leaf raking service project for our COR during the day and a bowling social that night. The best part is if your daughter has a few friend who want to start a crew get in touch with your council and start one. We found a number of families where the kids wanted the challenges and the opportunity to lead their own group. The parents have joined along and we are anticipating great times ahead.
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