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Everything posted by troop1illinoiscouter

  1. We do all that but nothing seems to work. They forget to bring things that are needed. They dont like working with younger scouts. When they do they just stop right in the middle of what they are doing. They dont seem like they want to be there. Like they want to become eagle and leave.
  2. In our meetings, the scouts dont listen to us and they run off and do other things. The older scouts arent helping either they think they know everthing so they dont listen. So when we get new, younger scouts they look up to them and do what they do. I need help trying to stop this. Please give me ideas.
  3. I am the assn. sr. patrol leader of my troop. My troop members get off subject and dont listen. Does anyone have any ideas to help me and my sr. patrol leader get them under control?
  4. Please dont use my forum to talk to each other. I thank you all for the replies but only one person has really answered me.
  5. Could someone spell it for me I know what it is. bsbll91@charter.net
  6. My scoutmaster is very involved in Scout Sunday. We start practicing for it about a month before Scout Sunday. He thinks we are one of the only troops in the country that are given that much responsibility, so I was asked to try and find other troops that have that much responsibility. I dont know about any other faiths but nobody's faith in my troop does not allow them to attend other services. Our troop always holds Scout Sunday a week after the actual Scout Sunday, with the church's consent, of course.
  7. Our troop has many faiths, too, but in honor of Scout Sunday our sponsoring church allows us to perform their church service. So, I guess what I am asking is if any other sponsoring churches allow their troop to run their service?
  8. I am Ryan, the Asst. Sr. Patrol Leader for my troop. I have been given the task of finding other troops that practice Scout Sunday the way my troop does. On Scout Sunday my troop runs the entire service. We do the music, pastoral prayer, proclamation, offering, everything. Are there any other troops that actually run the entire church service like we do?
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