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Everything posted by Trevorum

  1. Rome doesn't appear to be proposing taxes, but rather fines. In contrast, Florence and Venice are mentioned as having taxes to support historic preservation. In the case of Venice, quite literally "support". Good point, Beav.
  2. Along identical lines, the NY Post recently reported about how visitors to the 9/11 memorial are behaving inappropriately. "... visitors to the National September 11th Memorial in New York City show no such restraint, with some treating that hallowed ground more like a Disney attraction. They sit (or worse, lie down) on the bronze-plaque names of the dead, and lay (and spill!) their drink cups on them, creating an almost cheerful atmosphere, the Post said."
  3. I've always meant to read The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie.
  4. I hear lots of rhetoric from the right about how Obamacare is a bad idea, but I've never really heard an assessment on how Romneycare (on which Obamabare is closely modeled) has affected the citizens of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Do we have anyone here who knows firsthand?
  5. Again with the FlavorAid? Pack, are you always this vigilant about trademarks in general, or is is just sugary drinks? I'm wondering if you get all riled when someone needs a "band-aid", or "vaseline" because they slipped on the "astroturf" while "rollerblading"...
  6. Now on the look out, this morning I spotted two different "I'm proud of my Eagle Scout" stickers and an "I'm proud of my Cub Scout." Made me smile.
  7. Just to be clear, most of us pirate talkers are NOT pastafarians! (not that there's anything wrong with that...)
  8. I counted on the way home from work today. Three stickers for Mr Obama and one for Mr, Romney. But I also saw seven fish plaques, one flying spaghetti monster, one yin yang, and one fish with legs plaque. However, the winner hands down was 21 Texas Longhorns stickers vs only five Texas Aggie stickers. I guess the message is, at least here in Texas, that football outvotes both politics AND religion.
  9. OGE, good point. Maybe Facebook has replaced stickers. Makes me wonder what will be the political hula hoop of 2016, and beyond. Tokala, you're right. I remember seeing a LOT of stickers for Paul. Not so much anymore. I guess his grassroots campaign had browned a bit over the summer.
  10. Has anyone else noticed a lack of political bumper stickers this year in comparison to previous election years? I see a few stickers here and there for the blue guy but almost none for the red guy. And I live in a reddish area, so I know it's not a valid trend. What's up? Have stickers become a passe' form of political expression, like campaign buttons before them?
  11. A similar thing happened to my son some years ago while volunteering at a Venturing Crew car wash fund raiser at a WalMart parking lot. His response was along the lines of, "Yeah, I know. That whole thing really blows. But otherwise it's really awesome. So, want your car washed?"
  12. Arrrr... I actually had an email thread with a client in pirate-speak today. That was a new experience!
  13. Zach is an eloquent speaker and clearly a leader. Regardless of politics, I predict he will go far.
  14. The only quibble I might have with our friends at Wikipedia is with the 15k BP date for peopling the New World. This is longstanding dogma, but it is now being increasingly questioned by the so-called "pre-Clovis" hypothesis. Some well dated deposits can't be aligned within a 15k year limit. One exciting possibility is that an early wave arrived from Europe, following arctic sea mammals.
  15. Skeptic, not sure of what you are referring to. Sounds like something which might have been mis-reported in the popular press (the goal of which is to make money, not be accurate) and then later misinterpreted. Archeological evidence of writing varies by location but dates back only a few thousand years. Maybe 10,000 years in the Near East using a very liberal definition of writing. Evidence of human self-awareness is more difficult to identify, but representational art and grave goods, including flowers, dates back a few tens of thousands of years, maybe 50,000. Our species, Homo Sapiens, biologically dates back perhaps 100,000 years. Some anthropologists push this to about 200,000. The DNA research is exciting. Sophisticated tool making dates back a few hundred thousand years. The use of fire may have become common about a million years ago. Paleontological fossils of the earliest humans (not H. Sapiens, but closely related species) date back a few millions of years. The earth was first visited by Xenu about 10,000,000 years ago (or, alternatively, in 1952). Just seeing if you're still paying attention.
  16. NJ, I have posted before about the hypothesis in evolutionary anthropology that homosexuality is an adaptive mechanism in human band level hunter gatherers, functioning so as to increase the number of effective hunters providing for the band, without further stressing the carrying capacity by creating more mouths to feed.
  17. I remember that particular thought experiment. And it is no better with Beavah this time .....
  18. This thread had me go read about our 15th POTUS, James Buchannan. Did not know much about him (he is rather eclipsed by Lincoln). Fascinating.
  19. BSA's policy very clearly ignores the quality of a persons's character, their dedication to service, and the wishes of the chartering organization, in favor of a checkbox. Very sad.
  20. Basement, you must be an engineer, clearly not a collector. Most of the fun in assembling a collection is the process of actually trading with other Scouters.
  21. Hahahahahahaha. ... (wipes tear from eye) ...
  22. Having just visited skullsunlimited dot com (a very cool place!), I was very dissappointed to see my targeted was merely for online web design.
  23. Well, we've done it once and we can do it again. Let's get started, fellows.
  24. Oh, and by the way, I don't agree with your premise that Satan is a stupid religious idea. I don't believe in this mythical being of course, but for the record I think that Satan is (or, more accurately perhaps, was) a terrifically good religious idea. Very functional for promoting nice behavior among large groups of people living together who might not be related to each other. The carrot and the stick approach to early law making you know...
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