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Everything posted by Trevorum

  1. Hello Gerry! Why am I not surprised to run into you here? Still trying to pawn off those worthless St. Louis CSPs? What the heck, I don't have any in my dupes bag, let's trade. Email me. Nick
  2. Often, miscellaneous activity patches (camporees, etc) and surplus rank and position patches don't have too much intrinsic value (unless they're really old - 1970s and before). Don't be surprised if there isn't much interest on eBay. At tradorees, you can often find these patches in the "50 cent buckets". They are great for new traders however, who don't care about rarity - they like variety, colors, shapes, e
  3. Good advice, all. I would add, try to keep a record of from whom you got each patch and when. The best part of trading is not the patches but the people you meet. Through trading by mail, I've made good friends across the USA and in several other countries, too.
  4. Hello OGE! I'm about an hour north of New Braunfels, north side of Austin. Do you know the area?
  5. Hello everyone! I just wandered in here. You seem like some nice folks so I'll introduce myself and maybe stay a bit. I have two sons active (Life and Star). I'm currently a Scoutmaster and I used to be a Bob White. I'm an Eagle (1968) and Brotherhood OA. I'm also a member of the Unitarian Universalist Scouter's Organization. When not Scouting, I'm an archeologist, horse rancher, and band parent. Looking forward to chatting with y'all! Nick
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