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Everything posted by Trevorum

  1. As the spouse of any collector will tell you, "There's a fine line between hobby and mental illness ..." The cool thing about collecting patches is making new friends with Scouts and Scouters all across the country (and world, too). Since I got bitten by the bug a few years ago, I have made dozens of new patch trading buddies. I'm looking forward to meeting many of these guys and gals in person at the Jamboree this summer. Another thing I like is the way everyone can define their own collecting interests, narrow or broad. I personally distain the artificially inflated values of special and commemorative issues, but I know several collectors who relish the hunt for these rarities. I like collecting the patches that are actually worn on uniforms. I've learned a lot about BSA history in the process, too. I don't know of anyone who thinks of patch collecting as a way to make a "profit". But patches do have a value and it takes money to collect them. A buck or two here and there or hundreds (or thousands!), everyone collects at their own level of interest and wherewithal. IMHO, it's a better use of discretionary spending than lottery tickets or a lot of other stuff people buy. Most patch trading is done 1:1, one of mine for one of yours. Folks who are lucky enough to get some "rare" patches often trade their extras (if any) for multiples of other varieties which is how their collection grows. Or they sell them on eBay and plow the proceeds back into their collection. In my experience, Scouts always abide by the 1st point of the Scout Law - I have never been disappointed in trusting a Scout to trade fair. I think everyone should have a hobby. Gardening, military re-enactments, quilting, woodworking, whatever. Hobbies are therapeutic. Patch collecting certainly isn't for everyone. Some people see it as a complete and utter waste of time and money. They are certainly welcome to that view (which may have considerable merit, given the introductory quote above!) But it's fun and it doesn't hurt anyone. (By the way, I have dupe CSPs if anyone wants to trade - just email me!)
  2. "Has anyone attempted to exchange an item they outgrew (youth length, adults girth)?" I don't think defects in the customer are covered, just defects in the product!
  3. Hey OGE, can we do something here? (I'll stop feeding the trolls now ...)
  4. Our WB patrol chipped in $10 each and got our guide a gift card to REI. We also made up a fancy, framed certificate recognizing her as an honorary Bob White.
  5. This is interesting, but I suggest you take it to an art forum or a religion forum. It has nothing to do with Scouting.
  6. It sounds like a troop tradition, borrowed from the military. In my experience, scouts don't salute each other; we salute the US flag only.
  7. I don't see what this has to do with Scouting, but welcome to the forum anyway, Betty.
  8. Napowan, Reminds me of the class I took as an undergraduate entitled "Dating Techniques". It was offered in the Geology Department, of course. The first class was jam-packed. I'm not sure what they expected, but by the second class meeting all the fraternity boys had dropped.
  9. baschram, now that's a dandy idea! (Although it would probably get vetoed by creationists.) I'd suggest adding a requirement to explain how fossils are created and discussing several dating techniques appropriate to paleontology. And drop the link to the Archeology MB. (Already, too many people think that archaeologists dig up dinosaurs!) I also wish they would bring back the Masonry MB. Maybe it wasn't as popular as some others, but it taught a good honest skill.
  10. Yep. I had a pair of Scout shorts with a busted zipper. Rather than throwing them out, I took Mike's advice and sent them to supply division with a note. A few weeks later, I recieved a new pair in the mail from National. Smooth!
  11. At my son's first troop campout, he left his handbook out all night and it rained (of course!). The next morning, I found him in the latrine building, trying to dry it out under the hand blow-dryers (we were at a State park). He prevented it from mildewing but it puffed out like a big piece of popcorn! I had to buy him a second book, this time with a waterproof cover.
  12. The one thing I've done is to use a bit of spray-and-wash to remove some really bad grime and then gently iron out wrinkles so that the thing at least lays flat.
  13. Agree with E-KY and Acco. We still do the tapping, although it is more of a "laying on of hands" that won't break any clavicles. For complicated scheduling reasons, our troop won't be able to make our district camporee this year for the first time since Noah. Since we'll be missing the regular OA tapout, we have arranged to have our own ceremony at our spring family campout. The chapter is assisting, but the ceremony will be handled largely by brothers in our own troop. And, because it's a family camp, moms and dads will have the opportunity to be at the campfire and witness their son's ceremony. I am looking forward to this one!
  14. Glad to meetcha, Curt! Welcome to our forum!
  15. In addition to the above mentioned topics, during new parent orientation I stress the difference between a cub pack and a boy-led troop. I tell them to expect some degree of disorganization, inefficiency, and chaos. I tell them that if we wanted to have a smoothly run meeting the adults would do it because we already know how. But that's not the point - the boys need to learn for themselves. I've discovered that this is a problem for a lot of adults, even after they've been in a troop for several years.
  16. Seriously though, within the last several years several councils have gone bankrupt, but because of internal mis-management. Their service areas have been absorbed by neighboring councils. Other councils have voluntarily dissolved because of mergers. The total number of councils has steadily shrunk from more than 500 in 1972 to fewer than 330 today.
  17. Prairie, those who are lucky enough to know the TRUTH don't need to know anything else ...
  18. A warm welcome, Willis! This forum and its archives is a useful resource for all scouters new and old.
  19. Never having camped east of the Big Muddy, what is a trail shelter? They sound unappealing.
  20. Here's an easy lay-up question for some of you old-timers. Requirements for the Scoutmaster's key on the pocket-fold progress record at http://www.meritbadge.com/files/ include "Conduct troop junior leader training (three times)" as well as "Participate as an adult in Junior leader training". How are these different? Also the requirements at http://www.usscouts.org/awards/scouterkey1.html just says "Conduct troop junior leader training (three years). There are also a few other minor differences. Which set of requirements is correct? Thanks!
  21. Prairie, hey now, don't go blaming the great state of Texas! I hear tell that HQ came here just because they got a good deal on some land. I think that these slow-to-change policies mostly come from elsewhere in the country. And SA, I agree with your prediction, but only because the BSA already broadly accepts any definition of "God", leaving this up to the individuial Scout and his family. ("BSA does not define what constitutes belief in God or the practice of religion"). Much to Rooster's chagrin, even "tree-worship" is acceptable, as is Buddhism which does not involve deities at all. As I've said before, I think self-proclaimed atheists are intellectually lazy. It's easy to say what you don't believe in but much harder to contemplate the vastness of existence and formulate what you do believe in.
  22. I have a couple of sets from Capitol Area Council. "Austin, Texas - Live Music Capitol of the World". Each JSP features the famous Austin armadillo in sunglasses and has a different theme - Jazz, Rock n' Roll, Tejano, Country, Blues.
  23. if only the chia pet industry would explode ...
  24. Hunt, Thanks for that link! Very interesting reading. However, it doesn't completely address the origin of the word "troll" in internet usage. I personally think it must be a mixing between the noun "troll" (as in "what obnoxious creature is asking me questions from underneath this bridge?") and the verb "trawl" (as in "a long fishing line with many hooks").
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